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Étiqueté : image et texte

Appel à contribution : « Pseudo-Scripts: (Il)legibility and Ornamentation », Pise/en ligne, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa/Museo Nazionale di San Matteo, 2-3 mai 2025, date limite le 8 décembre 2024

Ornaments and their (il)legibility have long intrigued scholars of visual culture, gaining traction in scholarship [e.g. Necipoğlu, Payne 2016]. Pseudo-scripts in particular — lines that resemble writing but are ultimately in toto or in part illegible — have become a privileged focus of interest when approaching the broader phenomenon. This conference asks the question of what makes the appearance of script so compelling even when it is stripped of its content. What lingers of its...

Colloque : « Sibyls, Prophets, and Oracles/Sibille, profeti e oracoli », Macerata, Biblioteca Statale, 6-8 juin 2024

6th June, 2pm Welcome from the Organizers Giuseppe Capriotti and Jessica Piccini Institutional Greetings John McCourt, Magnifico Rettore dell’Università di Macerata Massimiliano Stravato, Direttore della Biblioteca Nazionale di Macerata Lorella Giannandrea, Direttrice del Dipartimento di Scienze della formazione, dei beni culturali e del turismo Roberto Mancini, Direttore del Dipartimento di Studi umanistici – Lingue, Mediazione, Storia, Lettere, Filosofia Pierluigi Feliciati, Responsabile della Sezione di Beni culturali Chair: Jessica Piccinini Keynote speaker: Deborah Lyons (Miami University,...

Appel à contribution : « Finxit. Dialoghi tra arte e scrittura dal Medioevo all’Età Moderna », date limite le 1er mars 2024

Il comitato scientifico di “Finxit. Dialoghi tra arte e scrittura dal Medioevo all’Età Moderna” invita gli autori interessati a contribuire al quarto numero della rivista, la cui pubblicazione è prevista per il 2025. Fondata nel 2022 e pubblicata annualmente, “Finxit” è una rivista digitale peer-reviewed ad accesso aperto. Promuove il multilinguismo e la libera discussione scientifica, riserva particolare attenzione alle nuove generazioni di studiosi e alle ricerche condotte su materiale inedito. La rivista è aperta...

Parution : Meredith K. Ray et Lynn Lara Westwater (dir.), “Gendering the Renaissance Text and Context in Early Modern Italy”, Harrogate, Combined Academic Publishers, 2023

The essays in this volume revisit the Italian Renaissance to rethink spaces thought to be defined and certain: from the social spaces of convent, court, or home, to the literary spaces of established genres such as religious plays or epic poetry. Repopulating these spaces with the women who occupied them but have often been elided in the historical record, the essays also remind us to ask what might obscure our view of texts and archives,...

Giotto, tête d'un moine visionnaire

Parution : « Mystique, langage, image : montrer l’invisible », Reichert Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2022

The experience of transcendence, especially when it concerns the direct encounter with God, exceeds every human possibility of expression. Only pictorial expression is able to make visible, at least approximately, what is invisible to the human eye and the human imagination. This volume deals with a whole range of such forms of expression, with contributions from the history of art and literature as well as music and history.   SOMMAIRE René Wetzel (Genève) – Vorwort...

Appel à contribution : « Images of the Gods in Early Modern Europe », Montpellier, 01-02 juin 2023, date limite le 01 octobre 2022

“Decentred Cartari: Images of the Gods in Early Modern Europe.” Vincenzo Cartari’s Imagini de i Dei, which was published in Venice in 1556, provides painters and poets with descriptions and interpretations of the ancient pagan gods handed down by the mythographic tradition. The work was immensely successful, with more than thirty-two editions, translations and adaptations published and circulated throughout Europe until the 18th century. It provides first-rate evidence of the ways in which readers and...

Appel à communications : Text and Authority in the Early Modern Era, RSA, date limite le 13 août 2022

Text and Authority in the Early Modern Era As an Associate Organization of the Renaissance Society of America, the Society for Early Modern Classical Reception (SEMCR) invites proposals for papers to be delivered at the 2023 meeting of the Renaissance Society of America in San Juan, Puerto Rico.  For a series of panels, SEMCR invites abstracts on the theme of text and authority in the early modern era. While we often associate the Renaissance with the “rebirth...

Journée d’étude : « (Re)Ordering the Gods. The Mythographic Web through Times », en ligne, 25-26 novembre 2021

Names and epithets, historical facts, rituals and monuments, textual fragments, plants and places: these are samples of the wide material that the mythographic tradition deals with. How do we organise it? What data to choose, how to present it and what for? This workshop will question the different forms of mythographic compilation. Many of them baffle our sense of order and classification and it is tempting to qualify them as confused bundles. But, by orchestrating...

Appel à contribution : « Imago, Actus et Verbum. Challenges and Questions in Medieval Studies », en ligne, date limite le 15 octobre 2021

On the outset of the 21st century, cross-disciplinary studies on the Middle Ages seem to be in need of a careful reconsideration of their nature, scope and aims. This is specially so after the series of “turns” undergone by historiography in the last four decades. Despite their differences, philosophy, history, philology , literary studies and art are also bound through their work on texts; and all are currently faced with both methodological and substantive issues...

Appel à contribution : Perspective, n° 2022 – 2 RACONTER, date limite le 1er juillet 2021

Dans son numéro 2022 – 2, la revue Perspective souhaite poser la question des relations entre narration, art et histoire de l’art. Qu’il s’agisse des récits sur lesquels se fondent les images et les objets d’art, de ceux que (se) constituent ses regardeurs, ou des « mises en récits » opérées par les historiens et les historiennes de l’art, ce numéro entend s’emparer de l’acte de raconter comme d’un outil heuristique aussi fécond que déstabilisant. L’image et l’objet d’art...