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Étiqueté : Italie du nord

Exposition : « The Leidner Donation. Northern Italian Painting from the 17th Century », Berlin, Gemäldegalerie, 18 avril-24 novembre 2024

Thanks to a generous donation by collector Dr Günter Leidner, the holdings of the Gemäldegalerie were recently expanded to include three major works by the northern Italian painters Antonio Zanchi, Cristoforo Savolini and Daniele Crespi. After undergoing extensive restoration work, the paintings will now be presented to the public along with other works from northern Italy as part of a special display. This exhibition represents the swansong of the Gemäldegalerie’s long-serving curator, Roberto Contini. Previously,...

Conférence : Chiara Cavalieri, Davide Dall’Ombra, « Giovanni Testori fra teatro e critica d’arte. Quando il lavoro del critico trapassa nell’invenzione del vero scrittore », Rome/en ligne, Bibliotheca Hertziana, 19 mars 2024

Evento pubblico senza registrazione DATE: Mar 19, 2024 TIME: 11:00 AM – 01:00 PM (Local Time Germany) LOCATION: Villino Stroganoff, Via Gregoriana 22, 00187 Roma e online CONTACT: Narratore, poeta, critico d’arte e pittore. Drammaturgo, regista e anche attore. Giovanni Testori è stato un autore complesso e prolifico, di cui rimane ancora molto da approfondire. Il seminario offre un’occasione per indagare la connessione tra il Testori drammaturgo e il critico d’arte, partendo dalle riflessioni...

Exposition : « Moroni (1521-1580). Il ritratto del suo tempo », Milan, Gallerie d’Italia, 6 décembre 2023-1er avril 2024

La mostra “Moroni (1521-1580). Il ritratto del suo tempo” intende celebrare l’artista bergamasco, tra i maggiori interpreti della pittura rinascimentale lombarda. Autore anche di significative opere devozionali, presenti in mostra, Moroni è però noto soprattutto per la sua innovativa attività di ritrattista.  Molti i ritratti realizzati dall’artista qui esposti definiti ritratti “in azione”, moderne raffigurazioni di personaggi che, attraverso un gesto, uno sguardo, entrano in contatto con lo spettatore superando la lontananza emotiva e la...

Conférence : Dominic Olariu, « The Tacuina Sanitatis of Giangaleazzo Visconti – encounters between visual experience, courtly culture, and medicine », en ligne, 25 mai 2021

Four illustrated Tacuinum sanitatis (Tables of Health) manuscripts commissioned in the late fourteenth century by Giangaleazzo Visconti, Count of Milan and Pavia, pioneered a genre of books based on empirical experience. The manuscripts assimilated the eleventh-century Arabic medical and dietary knowledge of the tract Taqwīm al-ṣiḥḥa (Restoration of Health), itself a ground-breaking work, combining this with new formats and illustrations based on empirically gained experience. In northern Italian court culture the promotion of medical progress was an important aspect...

Colloque : « Per un nuovo canone della scultura. Marmi, terrecotte e legni nell’Italia del nord (1300-1600) », Bologne, Fondazione Federico Zeri, 24-25 septembre 2020

A cura di Andrea Bacchi, Laura Cavazzini, Aldo Galli, Susanna Zanuso Convegno aperto al pubblico Webinar in diretta Facebook 24 settembre 10.00-13.30|15.00-18.00 25 settembre 9.30-13.30|15.00-17.30 Bologna, Fondazione Federico Zeri (piazzetta Giorgio Morandi 2 – 40125 Bologna)     Ancora qualche posto disponibile in sala, per riservare scrivere a Ricordiamo che sarà possibile seguire tutto il convegno in diretta streaming e che la registrazione sarà resa disponibile sul canale YouTube della Fondazione Zeri. Il...

Colloque : “Gouverner la ville”, Provence, Italie nord-occidentale. LXIIe congrès de la Fédération historique de Provence, Barcelonnette, les 2, 3, 4 octobre 2020

Colloque : “Gouverner la ville”, Provence, Italie nord-occidentale. LXIIe congrès de la Fédération historique de Provence, Barcelonnette, les 2, 3, 4 octobre 2020 Argumentaire La Fédération historique de Provence tiendra son prochain congrès bisannuel à Barcelonnette les 2, 3 et 4 octobre 2020. Il aura pour thème « Gouverner la ville » et concernera tant la Provence que l’Italie nord-occidentale, depuis l’Antiquité tardive jusqu’à l’époque contemporaine, aussi bien dans ses aspects matériels, institutionnels, juridiques qu’idéologiques, culturels, sociaux,...

Exposition : « Moroni : The riches of Renaissance Portraiture », New York – The Frick Collection, du 21 février au 2 juin 2019.

Moroni: The Riches of Renaissance Portraiture will be the first major exhibition in the United States to focus on the portraiture of Giovanni Battista Moroni (1520/24–1579/80). A painter of portraits and religious subjects, Moroni is celebrated as an essential figure in the northern Italian tradition of naturalistic painting that includes Leonardo da Vinci, the Carracci, and Caravaggio. This exhibition, to be shown exclusively at The Frick Collection, brings to light the innovation of the artist, whose...

Appel à communication : « Sculptors of the State of Milan (1395-1535) », Mendrisio/Varese, date limite le 20 mai 2018

Appel à communication : « Sculptors of the State of Milan (1395-1535) » (Conférence internationale, Mendrisio (Switzerland), Varese (Italy),  16-17 novembre 2018) The studies on the Milanese sculpture from the late Gothic to the Renaissance have known a remarkable increase in the last thirty years, revealing the presence of many less known artistic personalities alongside the most famous and prominent figures, whose activity has been reconstructed in more detail. The variety of research, partly carried...

Appel à communication : « From Prints to Paintings in 15th-C Northern Italy » — RSA (Chicago, 30 mars-1er avril 2017)

DATE ET LIEU DU COLLOQUE: 30 MARS-1ER AVRIL 2017, CHICAGO, CONGRÈS DE LA RSA Session du Congrès de la Renaissance Society of America (RSA, 2017). This session considers the impact of prints on fifteenth-century Northern Italian painting. Topics may include, but are not limited to: · The use of prints as substitutes for workshop drawings · The transmission of Northern European visual culture via prints · The role of prints in the regional dissemination of artistic...

Journée d’étude : “Le livre italien dans les anciens Pays-Bas et en Principauté de Liège à la première Modernité (XVIe-XVIIe siècles)”, Bibliothèque royale de Belgique, Bruxelles,12 décembre 2014

Journée d’étude : “Le livre italien dans les anciens Pays-Bas et en Principauté de Liège à la première Modernité (XVIe-XVIIe siècles)”, Bibliothèque royale de Belgique, Bruxelles,12 décembre 2014

Le 12 décembre 2014, se tiendra à la Bibliothèque royale de Belgique une journée d’étude autour de la réception du livre italien dans les anciens Pays-Bas et en Principauté de Liège aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Cet événement s’insère dans un vaste projet international sur l’édition italienne dans l’espace francophone à la première modernité (EDITEF), auquel collaborent des institutions françaises, italiennes, belges et suisses.     Cette journée d’étude a pour but de favoriser les...