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Étiqueté : Jérémie Koering

Parution : Jérémie Koering, « Iconophages: A History of Ingesting Images », Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2024

Eating and drinking images may seem like an anomalous notion but, since antiquity, in the European and Mediterranean worlds, people have swallowed down frescoes, icons, engravings, eucharistic hosts stamped with images, heraldic wafers, marzipan figures, and other sculpted dishes. Either specifically made for human consumption or diverted from their original purpose so as to be ingested, these figured artifacts have been not only gazed upon but also incorporated—taken into the body—as solids or liquids. How...

Parution : Livia Stoenescu (dir.), The Interaction of Art and Relics in Late Medieval and Early Modern Art, Turnhout, Brepols, 2020

The collection of essays gathered in this volume investigates the interaction between art and relics as a distinct historical relevance for devotional art of Early Modernity and the Renaissance. Recent studies in the material culture of artifacts from these periods have drawn increasing attention to a sense of material tangibility derived from relics. Putting that conclusion into perspective, this edited collection focuses on the aesthetic meaning generated by a specific material culture of sanctity –...

Séminaire du Collectif d’historiens de l’art de la Renaissance : Ada Ackermann et Jérémie Koering « Eisenstein et El Greco en mouvement », Paris, INHA, salle Vasari, lundi 20 mai, 18h00

« Eisenstein et El Greco en mouvement » par le Collectif d’Historiens de l’art de la Renaissance. Le CHAR reçoit Ada Ackermann (CNRS, Thalim) et Jérémie Koering (CNRS, centre André Chastel) pour une séance autour des liens entre Sergueï Mikhaïlovitch Eisenstein et El Greco, entre cinéma et peinture. Le lundi 20 mai à 18h en Salle Vasari (1er étage). Galerie Colbert, 2 rue Vivienne, 75002 Paris. Entrée libre (dans la limite des places disponibles)  

Conférence: Présentation de Jérémie Koering sur « From Eye to Mouth: on Edible Images in the Renaissance», Florence, Villa I Tatti, le 24 Avril 2019, 18h-19h30

Conférence de Jérémie Koering sur “From Eye to Mouth: on Edible Images in the Renaissance” au Gould Hall – Villa I Tatti, The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, Florence qui aura lieu le Jeudi 24 Avril 2019 à 18h-19h30.   There was a time when some images were not just looked at, but eaten as well. Produced to be swallowed, they were consumed by the mouth rather than by the eye. This presentation will...