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Étiqueté : Leonardo

Exposition : “Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael – Florence, c. 1504”, Londres, Royal Academy of Arts, du 9 novembre 2024 au 16 février 2025

At the turn of the 16th century, three titans of the Italian Renaissance – Michelangelo, Leonardo and Raphael – briefly crossed paths, competing for the attention of the most powerful patrons in Republican Florence. On 25 January 1504, Florence’s most prominent artists met to advise on an appropriate location for Michelangelo’s nearly finished David. Among them was Leonardo da Vinci, who – like Michelangelo – had only recently returned to his native Florence. Starting with Michelangelo’s...

Parution : Cieri Via, Cassegrain, Di Cola, Koering et Schwartz (dir.), Leo Steinberg Now. Il pensiero attraverso gli occhi, Rome, Campisano Editore, 2022

L’OPERA Pochi storici dell’arte hanno scosso il corso tranquillo della nostra disciplina accademica quanto Leo Steinberg (1920-2011). Dagli affreschi del Rinascimento (Leonardo, Michelangelo), fino all’arte americana del dopoguerra (De Kooning, Rauschenberg), passando per l’architettura barocca (Borromini), per la scultura di Rodin e per l’arte di Picasso, non c’e stato artista noto, o movimento artistico, che non sia stato posto sotto una nuova luce dalle ricerche di Steinberg. Che lo si associ a Other Criteria, a...

Parution : Artibus et Historiae, no. 82 (XLI), 2020

Articles dans le numéro PIETRO C. MARANI L’assalto a un bastione disegnato da Leonardo nel giardino di Charles d’Amboise (pp. 9-23) JOSEPH F. GREGORY Reframing an Icon: Leonardo’s Paris Virgin of the Rocks and the Economy of Salvation (pp. 25-73) HANA ŠEDINOVÁ Vis nominis, vis textus, vis imaginis. Gli esseri marini denominati in base agli animali terrestri nelle opere di Tommaso di Cantimpré e di Paulerinus (pp. 75-103) JAKUB ADAMSKI Double-Nave Friar Churches in Prussia...

Conférence en ligne : Artists’ Workshop Practice in Italy, Londres, The Warburg Institute, le 17 mars 2021 à 14h

Panel: ‘Artists’ Workshop Practice in Italy’ Lois Haines (Warburg) ‘Perugino’s Business Management in Florence and Perugia’ Genevieve Verdigel (British Museum) ‘Designing a Business Strategy in Bartolomeo Montagna’s Workshop’ Elizabeth Eisenberg (Institute of Fine Arts, NYU) ‘Leonardo After Verrocchio’s Workshop’ The Work in Progress seminar explores the variety of subjects studied and researched at the Warburg Institute. Papers are given by invited international scholars, research fellows studying at the Institute, and third-year PhD students. FREE VIA...

Colloque international : “Léonard et l’architecture”, Paris, DFK et INHA, 28-30 novembre 2019

Colloque international organisé par Sabine Frommel (Directrice d’Études : Histoire de l’art de la Renaissance École Pratique des Hautes Études – Sorbonne, Thomas Kirchner (DFK Paris), Università di Firenze, Dipartimento Interateneo di Scienze, Progetto et Politiche del Territorio (DIST) del Politecnico et dell’Università di Torino, Technische Universität Berlin

Exposition : “The Renaissance Nude”, Londres, Royal Academy of Arts, du 3 mars au 2 juin 2019

Trace the development of the nude through some of the great masters of the Renaissance. Bringing together works by artists such as Titian, Raphael, Michelangelo, Leonardo, Dürer and Cranach, we shed light on a visual tradition at its most vital moment. The 15th and 16th centuries were a pivotal time for the nude in Western art. A renewed interested in ancient Greek and Roman art brought the human body to the forefront of artistic innovation....