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Étiqueté : liturgie

Colloque : « The Role of the Senses in Medieval Liturgies and Rituals », Padoue, Palazzo Bo – Aula Nievo, 21-23 septembre 2022

By the Late Middle Ages, the liturgy has become the most important and elaborate ceremonial of Christianity in an already highly ritualised society. Indeed, rituals dominated the everyday life of the faithful, from the Divine Office and the Mass to the individual reading of the Hours; and they accompanied the life of people from their birth to their last breath. Besides, liturgy called for collective involvement and aimed at engaging the faithful by stimulating their...

Table des matières

Parution : « ‘Ornamenta Sacra’. Late Medieval and Early Modern Liturgical Objects in a European Context », Louvain, Peeters Publishers, 2022

This volume is dedicated to the study of late medieval and early modern liturgical objects, once known as ornamenta sacra. It encompasses a wide range of objects made of various materials and techniques which are not only essential for the rites, but also hold a central position in the religious and artistic production of the past. The contributions to this volume understand them at the heart of a system of complex relationships which make them...

Parution : Mercedes Pérez Vidal, « Arte y liturgia en los monasterios de dominicas en Castilla. Desde los orígenes hasta la reforma observante (1218-1506) », Gijón, Trea, 2021

En 1218 santo Domingo fundó en Madrid el segundo monasterio femenino, tras Prouilhe, vinculado a la Orden de Predicadores, y el primero en la Península Ibérica. Coincidiendo con el 800 aniversario de la muerte del fundador, acaecida en 1221, ve finalmente la luz la primera monografía dedicada al estudio de las dominicas en Castilla. Así como los dominicos situaron el oficio divino en el centro de la vida religiosa de las monjas desde los orígenes,...

Colloque : « The Performativity of Liturgical Art », HNA conference, La Haye, 3 juin 2022

This session seeks to investigate the performativity of the late medieval and early modern liturgical heritage from the Southern Netherlands. As liturgical objects are endowed with a ritually instituted efficacy, they lead indeed to a reflection on performativity. The performative turn in the Humanities is in line with the renewed interest in rituals and their relationships to objects, artistic or not. This approach has opened new avenues of research in art history. In this respect,...

Appel à contribution : « Experiencing the Sacred – The Role of the Senses in Medieval Liturgies and Rituals », Padoue, Università di Padova, 21-23 septembre 2022, date limite le 15 avril 2022

By the Late Middle Ages, the liturgy has become the most important and elaborate ceremonial of Christianity in an already highly ritualised society. Indeed, rituals dominated the everyday life of the faithful, from the Divine Office and the Mass to the individual reading of the Hours; and they accompanied the life of people from their birth to their last breath. Besides, liturgy called for collective involvement and aimed at engaging the faithful by stimulating their...

Journées d’étude : « Rituel et image : textiles et révélation du sacré », en ligne, les 6 et 7 mai 2021

Journées d’étude : « Rituel et image : textiles et révélation du sacré »  “Ritual and Image: Textiles and the Revelation of the Sacred” 6 – 7 mai 2021 PROGRAMME 6 MAI 2021 (Galerie Colbert, salle Walter Benjamin) 9h00 / Accueil et présentation des journées – Juliette Brack, Julie Glodt, Nicolas Sarzeaud 9h30 / Conférence inaugurale – Paul Hills (Courtauld Institute of Art) Textiles and Touch: Depicting the Sacred 10h10 / Discussion et pause  ...

Appel à publication : « Image and Devotion », Revista CEM/Cultura, Espaço e Memória, date limite le 30 avril 2021

Revista CEM/Cultura, Espaço e Memória, vol. 14 Abstracts due April 30, 2021. Edited by Ana Cristina Sousa (CITCEM/FLUP), Lúcia Rosas (CITCEM/FLUP)   The Transdisciplinary Research Centre for Culture, Space and Memory (CITCEM) invites the submission of article proposals for its journal Cultura, Espaço e Memória(CEM), vol. 14 (2021). The fourteenth volume of CEM is dedicated to the theme of image and devotion and thus is framed within the scope of CITCEM’s Tangible and Intangible Heritage...

Journée d’étude : « Reviving the Trinity. New Perspectives on 15th-Century Scottish Culture », en ligne, 27 mars 2021

This collaborative, interdisciplinary project looks again at the Trinity Altarpiece by Hugo van der Goes, Trinity Collegiate Church, and Trinity Hospital as emblems of Scotland’s inventive and ambitious cultural milieu, and its active, outward looking engagement with Europe and beyond. The network will re-examine the Trinity, and establish its cultural relevance today. Taking innovative approaches to materialities, geographies, and the wider artistic, intellectual, and cultural networks that connect them during the reigns of James II,...

Conférence : Tom Nickson, « (Im)material Devotions. Light and lighting devices in devotional practice », en ligne, 9 février 2021

Dr Tom Nickson (Courtauld Institute) examines the role of candles, lamps and natural light in shaping devotional spaces and experiences. Drawing on written, visual and archaeological evidence, he will consider the role of different lighting devices in a range of spaces, from mosques to royal chapels and parish churches, showing how light and lighting were central to experiences of material and devotional cultures at all levels of society. This event is part of the A Material...

Appel à contribution : « The Performativity of Liturgical Art », Amsterdam, 2-5 juin 2021, date limite le 1er juillet 2020

In preparation of the HNA conference 2-5 June 2021, organized by the University of Amsterdam and the RKD – Netherlands Institute for Art History, the program committee invites HNA members to submit proposals for paper sessions. The sessions are posted on the HNA website. Please submit your proposal(s) to the session chair(s), not the program committee. Applicants are allowed to submit multiple proposals to different sessions, but please inform all appropriate chairs about this at...