Étiqueté : manuscrits enluminés

Appel à contribution : « Storia della miniatura: ricerche in corso », en ligne, 22 novembre 2024, date limite le 15 juillet 2024

La Società internazionale di storia della miniatura invita gli studiosi della disciplina a comunicare le ricerche in corso in un webinar che si svolgerà il 22 novembre 2024. Per la partecipazione è necessario inviare, entro il 15 luglio 2024, un breve curriculum, il titolo e l’abstract dell’intervento (max 300 caratteri) all’indirizzo storiadellaminiatura@gmail.com. Le comunicazioni non dovranno superare i 15 minuti. Esse saranno pubblicate, in forma sintetica (max 2.500 caratteri e 1 fotografia), in una apposita sezione...

Exposition : « Renaissance Masterpieces of Judaica: The Mishneh Torah and The Rothschild Mahzor », New York, The Met Fifth Avenue, 16 mars 2023 jusque *sans date de fin annoncée à ce jour

The Jewish communities of northern Italy were active participants in the extraordinary flourishing of arts and culture that define the Renaissance. This installation of two rare and sumptuous Hebrew manuscripts explores the fascinating cross-cultural interaction between those Jewish communities and their Christian and humanist surroundings in the fifteenth century. A Jewish scribe and Christian artist working in tandem produced these monumental works of art that bear witness to the prosperity, power, and discernment of the...

Parution : Michele Tomasi (dir.), Dans le manuscrit et en dehors: Échanges entre l’enluminure et les autres arts (IX e -XVI e siècles), Viella, 2023

L’enluminure occupe une place centrale dans le système des arts du Moyen Âge et de la première époque moderne. Dotée de caractères propres par son intégration dans cet organisme complexe qu’est le codex, elle dialogue néanmoins avec les autres domaines de la création. Cet ouvrage explore justement les rapports entre l’enluminure et d’autres arts – que ce soient les textiles, l’orfèvrerie, la sculpture, la gravure ou encore la peinture sur panneau et la peinture monumentale...

Appel à contribution : « Manuscrits voyageurs. Transport maritime et circulation des manuscrits à l’époque moderne », Paris, Maison de la Recherche de l’Université Paris 8 / Musée du Quai Branly, 5-6 juillet 2023, date limite le 30 janvier 2023

À l’époque moderne, les navires sillonnant les mers et les océans du monde ne transportent pas seulement à leur bord des hommes et des marchandises. Transitent aussi « par la voie de la mer » des écrits en tout genre, à l’instar des routiers et des cartes utiles à la navigation, des journaux de bord tenus par les capitaines de vaisseaux, des papiers personnels de passagers et membres d’équipage, ou encore des « paquets »...

Appel à candidature : « Chercheurs invités », ERC AGRELITA, Lille, 2023

Dans le cadre du Projet ERC Advanced Grant AGRELITA n° 101018777, « The reception of ancient Greece in pre-modern French literature and illustrations of manuscripts and printed books (1320-1550): how invented memories shaped the identity of European communities », dirigé par Prof. Catherine Gaullier-Bougassas (Principal Investigator), des résidences de chercheurs invités sont à pourvoir. Cet appel à candidature s’adresse à toute personne, française ou étrangère, titulaire d’un doctorat en lettres, histoire de l’art ou histoire, dont...

Parution : Anne D. Hedeman, Visual Translation: Illuminated Manuscripts and the First French Humanists, Notre Dame Press, 2022

Hedeman explores how visual translation works in a series of unusually densely illuminated manuscripts associated with Laurent and Lebègue circa 1404–45. These manuscripts cover both Latin texts, such as Statius’s Thebiad and Achilleid, Terence’s Comedies, and Sallust’s Conspiracy of Cataline and Jurguthine War, and French translations, including Cicero’s De senectute, Boccaccio’s De casibus virorum illustrium and Decameron, and Bruni’s De bello Punico primo. Illuminations constitute a significant part of these manuscripts’s textual apparatus, which helped...

Parution : L. Freeman Sandler, « Penned & Painted: The Art and Meaning of Books in Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts », British Library, 2022

Penned & Painted is a beautifully produced, large format book in which one of the most celebrated historians of medieval art surveys one of the world’s great collections and asks ‘what is a medieval book?’. The idea of the book was central throughout the western European and the eastern Mediterranean world in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. From the beginning, the word for ‘book’— sefer in Hebrew, biblia in Greek, and liberin Latin — was identified with...

Colloque : « Fragmented Illuminations », en ligne, 7-8 juillet 2022

Following from the display Fragmented Illuminations: Medieval and Renaissance Manuscript Cuttings at the V&A (ending 26 June 2022), the V&A will be holding an online symposium over two afternoons on 7 and 8 July. This symposium will seek to make sense of these detached leaves, cut-out initials and other ornamented snippets. On Day 1, we will examine the practice of collecting pieces and leaves cut from illuminated manuscripts, with a particular focus on the 19th century. On...

Appel à communication : « Book Ornament and Luxury Critique », Université de Zurich, date limite le 15 avril 2022

The research group “Textures of Sacred Scripture. Materials and Semantics of Sacred Book Ornament” (https://textures-of-scripture.ch) invites paper proposals for a three-day international conference on “Book Ornament and Luxury Critique”. The conference, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, is scheduled to take place at the Institute of Art History at the University of Zurich from 15 to 17 September 2022. In his famous preface to Job, Jerome severely criticizes sumptuous luxury in the ornamentation of...

Appel à contribution : « Fragmented Illuminations », Victoria and Albert Museum, juillet 2022, date limite le 6 mars 2022

With over 2,000 manuscript cuttings, the Victoria and Albert Museum in London holds one of the largest collections of this kind in the world. Cut out of Italian, Germanic, Netherlandish, French, Spanish, and English manuscripts, they range from the 12th to the 18th century, with a wealth of 15th- and 16th-century examples. They vary in size, from small border snippets and initials to full leaves and, though they have come largely from choirbooks, other types...

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