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Étiqueté : Material Studies

Appel à contribution : « Textile Ecologies », en ligne, 5-7 février 2025, date limite le 15 juillet 2024

Among the artifacts crafted by humankind, textiles have always held a uniquely interdependent relationship with the environment. Textiles derive from vegetal (hemp, raffia, ramie, cotton, or bark cloth), animal (wool, silk) and even mineral origins (as in the case of asbestos fibers). The production of textiles has depended upon access to and the processing of raw materials, while cloth manufacturing has reshaped entire landscapes from the transplantation of mulberry trees for sericulture to the mounds...

Appel à contribution : « Touched/Retouched: Paper across Time », Rome, Bibliotheca Hertziana/ Istituto Centrale per la Grafica, 11-16 novembre 2024, date limite le 20 mars 2024

The Lise Meitner Group at the Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History and the Istituto Centrale per la Grafica in Rome invite applications for an intensive one-week, hands-on workshop for early career specialists in the field of prints and drawings. This is made possible with support from Getty through The Paper Project initiative. The goal of the workshop is to provide object-based training to the next generation of curators in the graphic...

Journées d’étude : « Patrimoines brodés du Moyen Âge et de la Renaissance », Paris/Sens, INHA/C2RMF/Musées de Sens, 4-5 mars 2024

Ces journées d’étude s’inscrivent dans le cadre d’un projet de catalogue numérique des broderies des collections françaises (1200-1600). Porté par le laboratoire Saprat (EPHE-PSL) et financé par la Ville de Paris dans le cadre du dispositif Émergence(s), il réunit une équipe de chercheurs soutenue par le réseau des musées de France, de l’Inventaire et des Monuments historiques. L’objectif de la rencontre est de réunir des historiens de la broderie venus de différents pays et spécialités...

Appel à contribution : « Printing surfaces / Surfaces d’impression », Lyon, CIHA, 23-28 juin 2024, date limite le 15 septembre 2023

In all art history fields based on printed material, research conventionally focuses on the images, and other information that was printed. The objects used to produce that information (including cut woodblocks, engraved metal plates, and lithographic stones) have been neglected. Many hundreds of thousands of these historical printing surfaces survive today in the East as in the West. As relics of historical crafts and industry, they fall outside the modern disciplines, and the vast majority...

Appel à contribution : « Material Religion Through the Sacred Interior », Montréal, Society of Architectural Historians, 12-16 avril 2023, date limite le 7 juin 2022

The Society of Architectural Historians is now accepting abstracts for its 76th Annual International Conference in Montréal, Canada, April 12–16, 2023 and virtually September 20–22, 2023. Please submit an abstract no later than 11:59 p.m. CDT on June 7, 2022. SAH encourages submissions from architectural, landscape, and urban historians; museum curators; preservationists; independent scholars; architects; scholars in related fields; and members of SAH chapters, Affiliate Groups and partner organizations. Please be aware that all abstracts...

Appel à contribution : « Work in Progress. Explorer gestes et savoir-faire artistiques à travers les sources de la technologie de l’art », Paris, INHA, 24-25 novembre 2022, date limite le 15 mai 2022

Le groupe de travail ICOM-CC Art Technological Source Research (ATSR) fêtera ses 20 ans lors de la 9e rencontre intermédiaire rencontre intermédiaire les 24 et 25 novembre 2022. Organisé par l’HiCSA et l’ATSR, le colloque se tiendra dans l’auditorium de la galerie Colbert. Ce jubilé invite non seulement à opérer un bilan critique du travail déjà réalisé, mais aussi à se tourner vers l’avenir et à poursuivre la réflexion, l’étude des sources de la technologie...

Journée d’étude : « Meta, Matrix, Mater. Les métaphores de la matrice à la Renaissance », Paris, INHA, 13 juin 2022

Click on the Zoom logo to join the online session Meeting ID: 9938 7127 9215 Password: 056130   Meta, Matrix, Mater.Les métaphores de la matrice à la Renaissance 13 juin 2022Paris, Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art, salle Giorgio Vasari   Les études et les manifestations scientifiques s’intéressant au sexe féminin à la Renaissance se sont multipliées ces dernières années avec l’essor d’une histoire de l’art féministe attentive à la question du genre. Beaucoup d’entre elles...

Parution : Susanna Burghartz et al. (dir.), « Materialized Identities in Early Modern Culture, 1450-1750. Objects, Affects, Effects », Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, 2021

This collection embraces the increasing interest in the material world of the Renaissance and the early modern period, which has both fascinated contemporaries and initiated in recent years a distinguished historiography. The scholarship within is distinctive for engaging with the agentive qualities of matter, showing how affective dimensions in history connect with material history, and exploring the religious and cultural identity dimensions of the use of materials and artefacts. It thus aims to refocus our...

Appel à contribution : « The [After]Lives of Objects: Transposition in the Material World », en ligne, 18-19 mars 2021, date limite le 15 décembre 2020

Transposition involves the movement of people, objects, and ideas from one context to another. The reverberating impacts of such regional and transregional exchanges have shaped artistic expressions, systems of knowledge, and relationships among polities. Recently, scholarship has turned to the object as a material manifestation of cross-cultural, transregional, and imperial encounters. [After]Lives is an interdisciplinary symposium that explores how transposition has materialized throughout history. How are objects changed when they are activated as mediums of...

Appel à communication : Symbols and Appropriations: “Constructing Identities in Early Modern and Renaissance Italy (1350-1600)”, Dublin, RSA 2021, date limite le 3 juillet 2020

Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting Dublin, 7-10 April 2021 Through history and times, architecture has always been used to express cultural messages and a social status. Since the Late Middle Ages and then throughout the whole Renaissance, the rising and developing system of Italian cities took extensive advantage from the evocative symbols of classical and Christian tradition, and borrowed elements from the past to create “emotional” architectures. Thus, by constructing new buildings and urban...