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Étiqueté : Mécènes

Parution : K. Botke, H. T. van Veen, « A Cultural Symbiosis. Patrician Art Patronage and Medicean Cultural Politics in Florence (1530-1610) », Leuven University Press, 2021

The prolonged influence of patricians on the cultural and artistic life in Florence. Contrary to general belief, the history of the Florentine patriciate did not end with the establishment of the State of Tuscany under de’ Medici in 1532. Proud and self-confident patricians did not become subservient courtiers overnight, but remained significantly influential for a long period. They retained their urban identity and longstanding family traditions, while acquiring noble titles, estates, and villas at the...

Parution : B. Borello, L’apprentissage de Rome à la Renaissance, Turnhout, Brepols, 2021

Un voyage dans la Rome de la Renaissance sur les traces des officiers du pape. Un officier à la Curie pontificale à la Renaissance devait évoluer dans la ville du pape et de Romains. Ce livre conduit le lecteur sur les lieux et dans les milieux fréquentés par ces hommes du pape et par les autres Romains, bien entendu. En conjuguant la logique des charges avec les équilibres complexes d’une ville en pleine expansion dans...

Appel à contribution : « The Space Between Non-Arts and Fine Arts: Confronting Gender and the Decorative Arts, 1500–1800 », Birmingham, 14-17 avril 2021, date limite le 19 octobre 2020

The decorative arts are not easily defined and have long occupied the shifting space between the non-arts and the fine arts. During the early modern period, prominent women, such as Catherine de’ Medici and Amalia van Solms-Braunfels, were at the forefront of amassing impressive collections of decorative objects. Limoges enamel pieces created by Susanne de Court and embroideries fabricated by Katharina Rozee were highly sought after by collectors throughout Europe. Recent exhibitions and publications highlight...

Conférence en ligne : Inge Reist, “Shaping the Splendor of Italian Renaissance Art through Collecting and Patronage”, 23 juillet à 18h30 (BST)

For most of us, art patronage and collecting during the Renaissance and Baroque periods is thought to have been the almost exclusive province of princes, popes, and prelates. But in reality the personalities who shaped the art collecting landscape of the late 15th 16th and 17th centuries were remarkably varied, representing a broad range of interests and professions that included connoisseurs and middlemen from all walks of life and social strata. This lecture will introduce some of the...

Conférences en ligne : « The Medici and Their Archives : Artistic Patronage and Diplomacy », The Medici Archive Project, 6-11 juillet 2020

THE MEDICI AND THEIR ARCHIVES: ARTISTIC PATRONAGE AND DIPLOMACY The Medici Archive Project is pleased to announce the free Online Lectures Series The Medici and Their Archives: Artistic Patronage and Diplomacy, that will be held on Zoom, July 6-11, 2020. Although the series will be open to everyone, we particularly welcome the participation of graduate and postgraduates students. Schedule and description : Monday –  July 6th  (6-7:30 PM) : THE ARCHIVE OF THE MEDICI IN THE...

Parution : Gaylord Brouhot (dir.), Luisa Capodieci (dir.), « Il sogno d’arte de François Ier. L’Italie à la cour de France », Rome, L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2019

François Ier (1494-1547) a fait épanouir en France un style artistique inédit. Sa plus grande victoire dans le domaine des arts a été d’avoir attiré Leonardo da Vinci à sa cour et d’avoir ouvert les portes de son royaume aux nouveautés venant d’Italie. Rosso Fiorentino, Benvenuto Cellini et Primaticcio comptent parmi les artistes qui se mirent à son service, tandis que des agents sans scrupules sont chargés de chercher dans la Péninsule des oeuvres d’art...

Colloque international : “Le prince et l’Église dans l’Europe de la Renaissance”, Madrid, Casa de Velázquez, 14-15 novembre 2019

L’histoire religieuse de la Renaissance bénéficie d’un engouement incontestable parmi les historiens de ces dernières décennies, qui disposent de sources documentaires variées pour leurs travaux. Dans le cadre du projet AcRoNavarre (Actes royaux de Navarre, 1484-1594), ces journées d’étude se penchent sur un type de source incontournable pour les aspects socio-politiques de l’histoire religieuse dans l’Europe de la Renaissance : les actes princiers. Si les édits de pacification promulgués par les souverains et les délibérations...

Colloque international : « A Princely Education. Cosimo III de’ Medici’s travels through the Netherlands. Global Ambitions and Local Contexts », Florence, 6-8 novembre 2019

The international conference focuses on the historical, political, social and artistic contexts of Cosimo III’s travels through the Netherlands (1667-1668) and later Spain, Portugal, England, Ireland, the Netherlands and France (1668- 1669). It is organized on occasion of the opening of the exhibition “The Global Eye. Dutch, Spanish, and Portuguese Maps in the Collections of the Grand Duke Cosimo III de’ Medici” (Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, 7 November 2019 to 29 May 2020). The conference...

Colloque : « The Power of Arts, The Power of Fame: The Extraordinary Renaissance Court of Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta, Lord of Rimini », UCLA, J. Paul Getty Museum, 26-27 janvier 2018

Although not as well-known as other prominent families such as the Medici, Visconti, or Borgia, the Malatesta of Rimini, especially during the leadership of Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta (1417-1468), occupy a central position in the history of the Italian Renaissance. Gifted with great military skill and a profound sensibility for the arts, the “wolf of Rimini” became the epitome of the “man” of the Renaissance. The great Swiss historian Jakob Burckhardt, in his influential The Civilization...