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Étiqueté : Médicis

Appel à contribution : « The Medici and the Courts of Central and Eastern Europe: Art, Diplomacy, and Material Culture », Florence, The Medici Archive Project, 7 février 2025, date limite le 15 octobre 2024

Organized by the Medici Archive Project, Connected Central European Worlds, 1500-1700 and Collecting Central Europe. Communication between courts and cities could be achieved by several means, including the exchange of objects, artists, diplomats and news. Exchange was rarely a linear back-and-forth but could follow all sorts of patterns. In early modern Europe, it included the nascent courts in Italy, as well as central and eastern European courts among others. Our workshop will focus on courtly...

Conférences : « Divino Giorgio », Florence, Medici Archive Project, 22 février-6 juin 2024

Ciclo di conferenze aperte al pubblico per il 450° anniversario della morte di Giorgio Vasari (1574-2024). Sede: Medici Archive Project, Palazzo Alberti, via de’ Benci 10, Firenze. Ingresso libero fino a esaurimento posti. Coordinamento e Organizzazione: Federico Giglio (Sapienza Università di Roma – The Medici Archive Project) Per informazioni: Giovedì 22 febbraio ore 17.30 Marco Ruffini (Sapienza Università di Roma) Problemi vasariani intorno alle Vite   Mercoledì 28 febbraio ore 17.00 Eliana Carrara (Università...

Parution : Kira D’Alburquerque, “Être sculpteur à Florence au temps des derniers Médicis”, Paris, INHA-CTHS, 2023

Cet ouvrage dévoile ce qu’était le métier de sculpteur au temps des derniers Médicis : la formation, l’organisation des ateliers, les conditions de vie et de travail, le statut social, mais aussi le rôle essentiel du dessin dans l’élaboration et l’exécution de ces sculptures. En arrivant au pouvoir, Cosme III de Médicis donna un nouvel essor à la statuaire florentine : il transforma l’enseignement, développa la production d’objets de luxe et facilita le travail des...

Exposition : « I Medici. Gente del Mugello. Ritratti di famiglia dalle Gallerie degli Uffizi », Scarperia, Museo dei Ferri Taglienti, 19 mai-5 novembre 2023

Dal 19 maggio al 5 novembre, quattro opere delle Gallerie degli Uffizi riportano i Granduchi di Toscana in Mugello, terra di origine del casato Terre degli Uffizi porta i ritratti di famiglia dei Medici in Mugello, nelle sale nobili del Palazzo dei Vicari di Scarperia, ad evocare la lunga e diffusa presenza medicea nelle campagne e nei paesi che furono la terra di origine leggendaria della Casata. Dal 19 maggio al 5 novembre, nel Museo...

Séminaire du Collectif Renaissance : Alessio Assonitis, Piergabriele Mancuso, Alice S. Legé et Sefy Hendler, « The Jews, the Medici and the Ghetto in Florence », Paris, INHA, 6 novembre 2023, 18h00

Le Collectif Renaissance a le plaisir de vous inviter à la séance de Lundi 6 novembre 2023 de 18h à 20h à la Galerie Colbert/INHA, Paris Alessio Assonitis (Medici Archive Project, Florence) Piergabriele Mancuso (Medici Archive Project, Florence) Alice S. Legé (Medici Archive Project, Florence) The Jews, the Medici and the Ghetto in Florence Séance introduite par Sefy Hendler (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) La séance aura lieu en salle Vasari, Galerie Colbert/INHA, 2 rue Vivienne 75002...

Exposition : Eleonora di Toledo e l’invenzione della corte dei Medici a Firenze, Florence, Uffizi, jusqu’au 14 mai 2023

Presentata la grande mostra che indaga la figura della Duchessa di Firenze immortalata da Agnolo Bronzino Apre il 7 febbraio al pubblico la più grande mostra mai dedicata ad Eleonora di Toledo, la “Gran signora del Cinquecento”: oltre 100 opere, con rilevanti prestiti internazionali, tra dipinti, disegni, arazzi, abiti, gioielli, pietre preziose racconteranno la vita, la personalità e l’esteso impatto culturale della duchessa di Firenze. Moglie di Cosimo de’ Medici, che dopo la sua morte...

Exposition : « Pesellino : A Renaissance Master Revealed », Londres, National Gallery, du 7 décembre 2023 au 10 mars 2024

Discover an overlooked Renaissance great in the first-ever exhibition dedicated to Francesco Pesellino (c.1422–1457). With commissions from Florence’s ruling Medici family and working collaboratively with leading artists of the Italian Renaissance, Pesellino’s talents were hugely sought-after during his lifetime. However, an early death at just 35, and the difficulty in attributing works has meant that his legacy has been largely overlooked. This exhibition seeks to remedy that by shining a light on the depth and...

Appel à contribution : « The Mutability of Collections : Transformation, Contextualisation and Re-Interpretation », Londres, Université de Londres, 07-08 juillet 2023, date limite le 30 novembre 2022

The Mutability of Collections: Transformation, Contextualisation and Re-Interpretation. Seminar on Collecting & Display, Institute of Historical Research, University of London, 7-8 July 2023. We invite proposals for papers reflecting on the ways in which the contents of collections are not permanent but may be subject to numerous mutations. Objects in collections are added, exchanged or disposed of, translated and transformed. Items can be moved to new surroundings and different decorative settings, resulting in altered contexts...

Parution : Valentina Zucchi, “Palazzo Medici Riccardi”, Rome, Officina Libraria, 2022

    This book provides an insight into the history and beauty of Palazzo Medici Riccardi, one of the most important palaces in Florence. Through its pages it is possible to delve into the events that led to the birth of the building commissioned by Cosimo de’ Medici and designed by Michelozzo. The text is therefore a fascinating journey through settings, characters and historical periods, offering useful elements for understanding the history of a palace...

Parution : Guillaume Fonkenell, “Catherine de Médicis (1519-1589) – Politique et art dans la France de la Renaissance”, Paris, Le Passage, 2022

Par-delà l’image et la légende, un portrait complet et renouvelé de Catherine de Médicis (1519-1589), femme extraordinaire et reine exceptionnelle, par les meilleurs spécialistes du sujet. Qui n’a jamais rencontré Catherine de Médicis, au détour d’un film ou d’un roman ? Dans la mémoire collective, son nom reste présent, à côté d’autres reines de France, comme Anne d’Autriche ou Marie-Antoinette. Mais l’image et la légende ont fini par effacer ce qu’a pu être cette femme...