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Étiqueté : michelangelo

Exposition : “Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael – Florence, c. 1504”, Londres, Royal Academy of Arts, du 9 novembre 2024 au 16 février 2025

At the turn of the 16th century, three titans of the Italian Renaissance – Michelangelo, Leonardo and Raphael – briefly crossed paths, competing for the attention of the most powerful patrons in Republican Florence. On 25 January 1504, Florence’s most prominent artists met to advise on an appropriate location for Michelangelo’s nearly finished David. Among them was Leonardo da Vinci, who – like Michelangelo – had only recently returned to his native Florence. Starting with Michelangelo’s...

Parution : Christine Ott , Hans Aurenhammer, Marc Föcking et Alessandro Nova (dir.), “Capricci luterani?”, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2023

Le sculture, gli affreschi e le poesie di Michelangelo rispecchiano l’ortodossia cattolica, o sono piuttosto l’opera di un seguace della Riforma costretto alla segretezza? La questione della religiosità di Michelangelo è tuttora dibattuta favorendo spesso prospettive fin troppo unilaterali. Questo volume, che riunisce contributi dall’ambito della storia dell’arte, degli studi letterari e della storia della religione, intende affrontare la questione in tutta la sua complessità. Do Michelangelo’s sculptures, frescoes, and poems reflect Catholic orthodoxy or...

Parution : Cieri Via, Cassegrain, Di Cola, Koering et Schwartz (dir.), Leo Steinberg Now. Il pensiero attraverso gli occhi, Rome, Campisano Editore, 2022

L’OPERA Pochi storici dell’arte hanno scosso il corso tranquillo della nostra disciplina accademica quanto Leo Steinberg (1920-2011). Dagli affreschi del Rinascimento (Leonardo, Michelangelo), fino all’arte americana del dopoguerra (De Kooning, Rauschenberg), passando per l’architettura barocca (Borromini), per la scultura di Rodin e per l’arte di Picasso, non c’e stato artista noto, o movimento artistico, che non sia stato posto sotto una nuova luce dalle ricerche di Steinberg. Che lo si associ a Other Criteria, a...

Conférence : Raymond Carlson, « Michelangelo and the Salvageability of Desire », Oxford, University of Oxford, 25 octobre 2022

Tuesday 25 October, 4:30 pm St Edmund Hall, Old Dining Hall Among the hundreds of poems written by Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564), a substantial proportion are given to amorous topics. To whom Michelangelo addressed his love and his verses, however, has resisted definitive consensus despite attracting commentary for nearly five centuries. This talk redirects the question of identifying the object of Michelangelo’s love to how his creative output makes this knowable to history. By analyzing an...

Exposition : “Idols & Rivals, Artists in Competition”, Vienne, Kunsthistorisches Museum, du 20 septembre 2022 au 8 janvier 2023

With outstanding works by Dürer, Tintoretto, Sofonisba, Cellini, Rubens, Borromini and many more, the cultural autumn in the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna is launched. At the centre of the exhibition is the competition among the artists themselves, but also with famous models, above all Michelangelo. Numerous artistic confrontations from antiquity to the time around 1800 are traced and rival works are juxtaposed. Many of the selected paintings and sculptures will be on show in Austria for...

Parution : Francesco Caglioti (ed), “Donatello: The Renaissance”, Venise, Marsilio, 2022

  A beautiful appraisal of the Renaissance sculptor’s achievements, contextualized with works by his contemporaries. The first thorough overview of the artist in many years, Donatello: The Renaissance reconstructs the outstanding career of one of the greatest sculptors in Western art. Famed for his incredibly sensual sculpture of David—the first freestanding nude male sculpture since antiquity—Donatello (c. 1386–1466) also made reliefs, but was best known for statues in the round. Accompanying a truly historic exhibition...

Parution : Inge Reist, “When Michelangelo Was Modern”, Brill, Leyde, 2022

Through case studies of collectors, patrons, and agents who redefined collecting and the art market, this volume illuminates how the changing status of the artist, rise of connoisseurship, role of intermediaries and new patterns of consumption established models for collecting and display that resemble those still practiced today. The book presents new research by recognized scholars who examine the motivations of collectors and agents, emphasizing how their collecting, patronage and advocacy could require support of...

Exposition : “Michelangelo: l’effigie in bronzo di Daniele da Volterra”, Florence, Galleria dell’Accademia di Firenze, du 15 février au 19 juin 2022

Michelangelo: l’effigie in bronzo di Daniele da Volterra, a cura di Cecilie Hollberg, è una mostra studio unica e inconsueta che parte da un discorso fatto di quesiti ancora aperti per arrivare a soluzioni nuove con metodi innovativi. È la prima volta che vengono riuniti questi nove busti simili, alcuni apparentemente quasi uguali, che riportano i tratti di Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475 – 1564). Proprio quell’effigie che tutti noi siamo abituati a collegare con l’incomparabile artista...

Parution : Marsha Libina, “Sebastiano del Piombo and the Sacred Image”, Turnhout, Brepols, 2022

On account of the artists’ collaborative practice, Sebastiano del Piombo’s oeuvre is often misconstrued as a coloristic supplement to Michelangelo’s disegno or as a mere extension of the older master’s drawings and ideas. Marsha Libina’s book complicates this narrative by offering a critical reevaluation of the devotional art of Sebastiano del Piombo (1485–1547), an important Venetian artist whose Roman work stands at the nexus of questions regarding art, religious reform and the largely unexplored history of artistic collaboration. Investigating...

Exposition : “Michelangelo: i bronzi della Passione”, Mantoue, Palazzo Ducale, du 18 mars au 15 juin 2022.

Michelangelo Buonarroti è semplicemente il “divino” Michelangelo, l’archetipo degli artisti di tutti i tempi. Grande fu la sua fama, anche in vita: nonostante la sua attività si sia concentrata su Roma e Firenze, anche la Mantova dei Gonzaga dovette fare i conti con l’ineludibile influenza di quel gigante. Il 22 febbraio del 1527 Federico II scriveva di essere da “molt’anni (…) amatore dello excellentissimo messer Michele Angelo” e – in un significativo ribaltamento di ruoli...