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Étiqueté : monographie

Appel à contribution : « Federico Zuccari ‘Artista Universale’ », L’idea, n° 1-2, date limite le 20 décembre 2024

The second volume (Issues 1-2, Year II, 2025) of the Journal L’IDEA will host articles (in Italian, English and French) focused on the personality and work of the artist, draughtsman, writer, theorist and academic, Federico Zuccari or Zuccaro. The latter will be investigated in relation to the cultural, intellectual and artistic history, both Italian and European, between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, starting from the scientific areas covered by the journal: humanistic studies, history of...

Colloque : « Giusto di Gand Reconsidered », Rome/Urbino/en ligne, 13-16 mai 2024

On the occasion of the 550th anniversary of the Communion of the Apostles (Urbino, Palazzo Ducale), scholars from all over the world will convene in Rome and Urbino to reconsider the oeuvre attributed to its enigmatic Flemish painter, recorded as Giusto di Gand in Urbino and likely synonymous with the Ghent painter Joos van Wassenhove. Over the course of history the number of paintings attributed to this master has grown, to include works such as...

Exposition : « Moroni (1521-1580). Il ritratto del suo tempo », Milan, Gallerie d’Italia, 6 décembre 2023-1er avril 2024

La mostra “Moroni (1521-1580). Il ritratto del suo tempo” intende celebrare l’artista bergamasco, tra i maggiori interpreti della pittura rinascimentale lombarda. Autore anche di significative opere devozionali, presenti in mostra, Moroni è però noto soprattutto per la sua innovativa attività di ritrattista.  Molti i ritratti realizzati dall’artista qui esposti definiti ritratti “in azione”, moderne raffigurazioni di personaggi che, attraverso un gesto, uno sguardo, entrano in contatto con lo spettatore superando la lontananza emotiva e la...

Exposition : « Hugo van der Goes. Between Pain and Bliss », Berlin, Gemäldegalerie, 31 mars-16 juillet 2023

Hugo van der Goes (c. 1440–1482/83) was the most important Netherlandish artist of the second half of the 15th century. His works impress with their monumentality and intense colours as well as with their astonishing closeness to life and emotional expressivity. In March 2023, 540 years after the artist’s death, Berlin’s Gemäldegalerie will celebrate a premiere : for the first time, almost all of the artist’s surviving paintings and drawings will be presented in one...

Parution : Christopher White, « Anthony Van Dyck and the Art of Portraiture », New Haven, Yale University Press, 2021

In this sumptuously illustrated volume, eminent art historian Sir Christopher White places the portraiture of renowned Flemish painter Anthony Van Dyck (1599–1641) in context among the work of his contemporaries working in and around the courts of seventeenth-century Europe. Van Dyck’s artistic development is charted through his travels, beginning in his native Antwerp, then to England, Italy, Brussels, the Hague, and back again. Combining historical insights with a discerning appreciation of the work, White brings...

Exposition : « Têtes à têtes – Lucas Cranach le Jeune / Collège Molière de Colmar, Portraits », Colmar, musée Unterlinden, 28 novembre 2020-22 février 2021

Dessinés d’après nature, à la charnière entre dessin et peinture, ces portraits de Lucas Cranach le Jeune constituent des témoignages quasi photographiques de personnalités de l’Allemagne protestante du milieu du 16e siècle. L’exposition mettra en avant l’histoire singulière de ces dessins, leurs caractéristiques artistiques et techniques, la transformation de leur usage, d’esquisse à modèles. Parallèlement, la présentation des dessins de Cranach au Musée Unterlinden sera l’occasion, en amont de leur venue, d’un travail pédagogique avec...

Exposition : « Alone with Vermeer », La Haye, Mauritshuis, jusqu’au 3 janvier 2021

There is one painting in the Mauritshuis’s rich collection, which includes such visitor favourites as Girl with a Pearl Earring, The Bull and The Anatomy Lesson of Dr Nicolaes Tulp , that many visitors to the Mauritshuis have built up a particular bond with: View of Delft . Buy your tickets for Alone with Vermeer now. The renowned French novelist Marcel Proust visited the Mauritshuis in 1902 and was deeply impressed by Vermeer’s masterpiece. Many...

Conférence : Tom Henry, et al., « New Perspectives on Raphael », en ligne, 8 décembre 2020

Date 08 Dec 2020, 17:30 to 08 Dec 2020, 19:00 Institute The Warburg Institute Venue ONLINE Description Panel: Tom Henry (University of Kent), Claudia La Malfa (Loyola University, Chicago and University of Kent in Rome), Adam Lowe (Factum Arte), Arnold Nesselrath (Humboldt University, Berlin), Catherine Whistler (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford) In the last few years, a plethora of international events, books, articles and exhibitions have focused on Raphael to shed new light on his processes of...

Exposition : « Graver la Renaissance. Étienne Delaune et les arts décoratifs », Écouen, Musée national de la Renaissance, 16 octobre 2019-3 février 2020

Reconnu de son vivant comme un graveur hors pair, collectionné par les amateurs de toute l’Europe, Étienne Delaune restera jusqu’au XIXe siècle une source intarissable d’inspiration. Cette exposition coproduite avec la RMN-Grand Palais et réalisée avec le soutien exceptionnel de la Bibliothèque nationale de France comptera plus de 130 objets, gravures et dessins pour certains jamais exposés en France et bénéficie de prêts prestigieux venant du musée du Louvre, du Victoria and Albert Museum de...

Parution : Joost Keizer, « The Realism of Piero della Francesca », Routledge, 2018.

  The fifteenth-century Italian artist Piero della Francesca painted a familiar world. Roads wind through hilly landscapes, run past farms, sheds, barns, and villages. This is the world in which Piero lived. At the same time, Piero’s paintings depict a world that is distant. The subjects of his pictures are often Christian and that means that their setting is the Holy Land, a place Piero had never visited. The Realism of Piero della Francesca studies...