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Étiqueté : naturalisme

Conférence : Nicola Suthor, « One Line Only. Drawing Performances of Agostino Carracci », en ligne, 11 février 2021

Over the centuries, several illustrious European artists have performed the feat of drawing a figure from one continuous line. The practice seems to originate from a famous antique legend that has been repeated again and again in early modern art literature without ever gaining substance; instead, the legend caused a whirlpool of reactions and projections that created ex post a focal point of attention and confusion about the form and high significance of the line...

Parution : Michael Edwards, « Magie de la ressemblance. Essai sur l’art », Paris, PUF, 2020

Quel est le rapport entre une carafe et une carafe de Chardin ? Entre un arbre et un arbre de Claude Lorrain ? N’est-ce pas là le grand mystère de l’art ? Par la magie de la ressemblance, l’artiste figuratif n’offre pas une reproduction du visible mais un aperçu de l’invisible, d’un monde à la fois reconnaissable et profondément différent. La plus exacte ressemblance transforme ainsi la réalité en une fiction provisoire, attirante et inatteignable....

Colloque : “Science, Nature and Art in the Time of the Baroque”, Séville, 9-11 novembre 2015

With the birth of the “new science” in the wake of Bacon, the theories on the world and nature ceased being essentially poetic –as they were considered in the long inherited mediaeval tradition– and began to be felt as essentially scientific. Modern science and the development of the artistic culture of the Baroque came hand in hand and became the cornerstones of the history of European culture. In this modern science, the discovery of the...

Appel à publication : « Art and the Verdant Earth: The Green Worlds of the Renaissance and the Baroque », date limite : 15 août 2015

Art and the Verdant Earth: The Green Worlds of the Renaissance and the Baroque Date limite du rendu des abstracts : 15 août 2015 Remise des textes au printemps 2016 The green mantle of the earth! This age-old metaphor casts the greening of the earth as a divine marvel while also calling upon poets and artists to re-fashion the greenness of nature into art. Ecological writers like Rachel Carson and EO Wilson used the expression as a poetic...

Appel à contributions : “Art and Science in the Early Modern Low Countries”, Amsterdam, date limite : 15 avril 2015

Appel à contributions : “Art and Science in the Early Modern Low Countries”, Amsterdam, date limite : 15 avril 2015

Conférence internationale ‘Art and Science in the Early Modern Low Countries’ 16-17 septembre 2015, Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum / Trippenhuis   Anticipating plans for a future exhibition on Art and Science in the Early Modern Low Countries (ca 1550-1730), the Rijksmuseum and the Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands (Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences) organize a preliminary, two-day conference. This event will take place at the Rijksmuseum (September 17th) and the Trippenhuis (September 18th) in...