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Étiqueté : Palladio

Journées d’étude : « The Allure of Rome: Studying Ancient Architecture 1500 – 1550 », Rome, The British School/en ligne, 26-27 octobre 2023

The buildings of antiquity, especially those in Rome, were of fundamental interest to Renaissance architects over the course of the first half of the sixteenth century. During a very few decades, numerous works were surveyed and recorded, often for the first time, and in ever more exacting detail and with ever greater sophistication, among them Rome’s Colosseum and Pantheon and very many other prominent monuments. This great achievement not only provided a touchstone for contemporary...

Parution : Denis Ribouillault, « The Villa Barbaro at Maser. Science, Philosophy, and the Family in Venetian Renaissance Art », Turnhout, Brepols, 2023

Through a careful description of its architecture, paintings and sculptures, this book offers the first comprehensive analysis of the Villa Barbaro at Maser, one of the most famous masterpieces of the Italian Renaissance. Commissioned and designed by Daniele Barbaro, a leading humanist of the Venetian Renaissance, and his brother Marc’Antonio, an important politician of the Republic of Venice and a talented amateur artist, the villa’s architecture and painted decoration were created by two canonical figures...

Exposition : Acqua, terra, fuoco : Architettura industriale nel Veneto del Rinascimento, Vicenza, Palladio Museum, jusqu’au 12 mars 2023

L’epoca di Palladio coincide con un periodo di grande innovazione nel Veneto, non solo in architettura ma in ogni settore dell’economia. Studi storici recenti hanno evidenziato che a Vicenza si produce la più pregiata seta d’Europa grazie alla capacità imprenditoriale degli stessi committenti di Palladio. Ma questo boom industriale investe un ambiente produttivo e creativo più ampio: accanto a mulini da macina e da seta, la mostra presenta al pubblico lanifici, segherie, cartiere, concerie, fucine,...