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Étiqueté : Perugino

Conférence en ligne : Artists’ Workshop Practice in Italy, Londres, The Warburg Institute, le 17 mars 2021 à 14h

Panel: ‘Artists’ Workshop Practice in Italy’ Lois Haines (Warburg) ‘Perugino’s Business Management in Florence and Perugia’ Genevieve Verdigel (British Museum) ‘Designing a Business Strategy in Bartolomeo Montagna’s Workshop’ Elizabeth Eisenberg (Institute of Fine Arts, NYU) ‘Leonardo After Verrocchio’s Workshop’ The Work in Progress seminar explores the variety of subjects studied and researched at the Warburg Institute. Papers are given by invited international scholars, research fellows studying at the Institute, and third-year PhD students. FREE VIA...

Exposition : “The Renaissance Nude”, Londres, Royal Academy of Arts, du 3 mars au 2 juin 2019

Trace the development of the nude through some of the great masters of the Renaissance. Bringing together works by artists such as Titian, Raphael, Michelangelo, Leonardo, Dürer and Cranach, we shed light on a visual tradition at its most vital moment. The 15th and 16th centuries were a pivotal time for the nude in Western art. A renewed interested in ancient Greek and Roman art brought the human body to the forefront of artistic innovation....

Exposition: « Leonardo e i Tesori del Re », Turin, Biblioteca Reale, du 30 octobre 2014 au 15 janvier 2015

Exposition: « Leonardo e i Tesori del Re », Turin, Biblioteca Reale, du 30 octobre 2014 au 15 janvier 2015

. . . « Leonardo e i Tesori del Re » . . La mostra “Leonardo e i Tesori del Re” che aprirà il prossimo 30 ottobre fino al 15 gennaio 2015 presso la Biblioteca Reale di Torino – offre un importante esposizione di un centinaio capolavori assoluti tra le opere di Leonardo da Vinci, disegni Raffaello, Carracci, Perugino, Van Dyck e Rembrandt, codici miniati, carte nautiche ed altre opere grafiche dalle preziose collezioni della...