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Étiqueté : portrait

Exposition : “À cheval : Le portrait équestre dans la France de la Renaissance”, Ecouen, Musée National de la Renaissance, 16 octobre 2024-27 janvier 2025

Présentée dans l’appartement de la reine Catherine de Médicis du musée national de la Renaissance au château d’Ecouen, l’exposition intitulée « À cheval : Le portrait équestre dans la France de la Renaissance », met en lumière la symbolique forte et les profondes transformations de la figure équestre au cours de la Renaissance. Cette exposition réunit plus de 160 d’œuvres provenant d’institutions prestigieuses étrangères et françaises : Windsor – The Royal collection, le musée du...

Journée d’étude : « Expert Meeting: Rembrandt Reunited », Nivå, The Nivaagaard Collection, 2 septembre 2024, date limite le 15 août 2024

This event marks the first time in over two centuries that Rembrandt’s ‘Portrait of a 39-year-old Woman’ from The Nivaagaard Collection and its speculated counterpart, the ‘Portrait of a 40-year-old Man’ from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, will be displayed together. Research by an international team of art historians and technical experts has focused on the question whether these masterpieces are pendant portraits. Now, we invite the academic community to review the...

Parution : Alison Manges Nogueira (ed.), « Hidden Faces. Covered Portraits of the Renaissance », New Heaven, Yale University Press, 2024

Highlighting the creativity and symbolism of covered portraits, this volume explores an intriguing but largely unknown aspect of Italian and Northern European Renaissance art Contributions by Maryan Wynn Ainsworth, Andrea Bayer, Carmen C. Bambach, Angelica Dülberg, Shirin Fozi, Wolfram Koeppe, Sarah E. Lawrence, Joanna Sheers Seidenstein, Femke Spielberg, Delphine Tonglet, Joshua Waterman and Catherine Whistler Many small Renaissance portraits were richly adorned with covers or backs bearing allegorical figures, mythological scenes, or emblems that celebrated...

Exposition : « Moroni (1521-1580). Il ritratto del suo tempo », Milan, Gallerie d’Italia, 6 décembre 2023-1er avril 2024

La mostra “Moroni (1521-1580). Il ritratto del suo tempo” intende celebrare l’artista bergamasco, tra i maggiori interpreti della pittura rinascimentale lombarda. Autore anche di significative opere devozionali, presenti in mostra, Moroni è però noto soprattutto per la sua innovativa attività di ritrattista.  Molti i ritratti realizzati dall’artista qui esposti definiti ritratti “in azione”, moderne raffigurazioni di personaggi che, attraverso un gesto, uno sguardo, entrano in contatto con lo spettatore superando la lontananza emotiva e la...

Parution : Roy Strong, “The Stuart Image English Portraiture 1603 to 1649”, Martlesham, Boydell & Brewer, 2023

Based on a lifetime’s work in the field, Sir Roy Strong offers an expert and engaging new look at portrait painting in Stuart England, studying the sitters as much as the artists. Sir Roy Strong has been writing for over half a century on the painters of the courts of James I and Charles I. While taking account of the mass of scholarly work that has appeared during that time, this book offers a very...

Parution : Lucia Tantardini and Rebecca Norris (eds), “Grotesque and Caricature”, Leyde, Brill, 2023

Grotesque and Caricature: Leonardo to Bernini examines these two genres across Renaissance and Early Modern Italy. Although their origins stem from Antiquity, it were Leonardo da Vinci’s early teste caricate that injected fresh life into the tradition, greatly inspiring generations of artists. Critical among them were his Milanese followers, such as Giovanni Paolo Lomazzo, and also Michelangelo and Sebastiano del Piombo as well as, notably, Annibale Carracci, Guercino, and Bernini among others. Their artistic production—drawings, prints,...

Conférence : Recensement de la peinture en France au XVIe siècle. La peinture à Paris le portrait “provincial”, le 24 novembre 2023, INHA, Salle Vasari, de 18h à 19h30

Cette rencontre coïncidera avec la mise en ligne d’une nouvelle tranche du « Recensement de la peinture en France au XVIe siècle ». Le propos portera d’une part sur la peinture parisienne et la première école de Fontainebleau, et d’autre part sur le portrait « provincial ». La dénomination d’« école de Fontainebleau » permet de distinguer les œuvres d’un anonymat plus général, en les rattachant à la tendance dominante de l’art de cour, qui...

Parution : Adam Jasienski, “Praying to Portraits. Audience, Identity, and the Inquisition in the Early Modern Hispanic World”, University Park, Penn State University Press, 2023

In Praying to Portraits, art historian Adam Jasienski examines the history, meaning, and cultural significance of a crucial image type in the early modern Hispanic world: the sacred portrait. Across early modern Spain and Latin America, people prayed to portraits. They prayed to “true” effigies of saints, to simple portraits that were repainted as devotional objects, and even to images of living sitters depicted as holy figures. Jasienski places these difficult-to-classify image types within their historical context....

Exposition : « I Medici. Gente del Mugello. Ritratti di famiglia dalle Gallerie degli Uffizi », Scarperia, Museo dei Ferri Taglienti, 19 mai-5 novembre 2023

Dal 19 maggio al 5 novembre, quattro opere delle Gallerie degli Uffizi riportano i Granduchi di Toscana in Mugello, terra di origine del casato Terre degli Uffizi porta i ritratti di famiglia dei Medici in Mugello, nelle sale nobili del Palazzo dei Vicari di Scarperia, ad evocare la lunga e diffusa presenza medicea nelle campagne e nei paesi che furono la terra di origine leggendaria della Casata. Dal 19 maggio al 5 novembre, nel Museo...

Parution : Bernocchi, Morelli et Pich (dir.), “Petrarch and Sixteenth-Century Italian Portraiture”, Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, 2023

The volume presents a wide-ranging investigation of the ways in which Petrarch’s legacy informed the relationship between visual and literary portraits in sixteenth-century Italy. Petrarch’s vast literary production influenced the intellectual framework in which new models of representation and self-representation developed during the Renaissance. His two sonnets on Laura’s portrait by Simone Martini and his ambivalent fascination with the illusionary power of portraiture in his Latin texts — such as the Secretum, the Familiares and...