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Étiqueté : portrait

Parution : Bernocchi, Morelli et Pich (dir.), “Petrarch and Sixteenth-Century Italian Portraiture”, Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, 2023

The volume presents a wide-ranging investigation of the ways in which Petrarch’s legacy informed the relationship between visual and literary portraits in sixteenth-century Italy. Petrarch’s vast literary production influenced the intellectual framework in which new models of representation and self-representation developed during the Renaissance. His two sonnets on Laura’s portrait by Simone Martini and his ambivalent fascination with the illusionary power of portraiture in his Latin texts — such as the Secretum, the Familiares and...

Exposition : Eleonora di Toledo e l’invenzione della corte dei Medici a Firenze, Florence, Uffizi, jusqu’au 14 mai 2023

Presentata la grande mostra che indaga la figura della Duchessa di Firenze immortalata da Agnolo Bronzino Apre il 7 febbraio al pubblico la più grande mostra mai dedicata ad Eleonora di Toledo, la “Gran signora del Cinquecento”: oltre 100 opere, con rilevanti prestiti internazionali, tra dipinti, disegni, arazzi, abiti, gioielli, pietre preziose racconteranno la vita, la personalità e l’esteso impatto culturale della duchessa di Firenze. Moglie di Cosimo de’ Medici, che dopo la sua morte...

Conférence : Jeanette Kohl, Laura / Aura. Tête-à-tête mit einer Renaissancebüste, Kunsthistorisches Institut der Freien Universität Berlin, 25 avril 2023

Einführung und Moderation: Prof. Dr. Karin Gludovatz (Freie Universität Berlin) Grußwort: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Huss (Direktor des Italienzentrums der Freien Universität Berlin) Der Vortrag widmet sich dem Versuch einer „Phänomenologie“ weiblicher Büstenporträts des Quattrocento. Im Zentrum steht dabei die enigmatische Büste einer Unbekannten von Francesco Laurana in der Wiener Kunstkammer, die sich durch ihre ungewöhnliche Polychromierung auszeichnet. Im Rahmen einer vergleichenden Objektanalyse und vor dem kulturhistorischen Hintergrund petrarkistischer Topik soll der Frage nachgegangen werden, wie diese und andere...

Conférence : Adam Jasienski, « Critics from Hell. Evaluating the Truth of True Portraits in Early Modern Spain », Florence, Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut, 20 février 2023

This talk analyzes the roles of portraiture in three sixteenth- and seventeenth-century religious cults: of the recently-deceased Ignatius of Loyola and Teresa of Ávila, whose appearance was known from portraits and descriptions, and long-deceased Saint Benedict. Institutional patrons insisted on producing increasingly portrait-like images of saints for whom there survived few or no reliable portrait likenesses, like the medieval saint Benedict. I analyze a case in which a group of nuns claimed that they had...

Parution : E. Toreno, « Netherlandish and Italian Female Portraiture in the Fifteenth Century. Gender, Identity, and the Tradition of Power », Amsterdam University Press, 2022

This book investigates the aesthetic and conceptual characteristics of fifteenth-century female portraiture on panel. Portraits of women increased substantially during this century. They formed part of a material and a visual culture borne out of the rapid rise of an oligarchy from entrepreneurial activities that was especially advanced in the urbanised territories of Italy and Flanders. For this reason, the portraits in this book are by Netherlandish and Italian painters. They are simultaneously illustrative of...

Parution : Adam Eaker, “Van Dyck and the Making of English Portraiture”, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2022

    A new account of painting in early modern England centered on the art and legacy of Anthony van Dyck As a courtier, figure of fashion, and object of erotic fascination, Anthony van Dyck (1599–1641) transformed the professional identities available to English artists. By making his portrait sittings into a form of courtly spectacle, Van Dyck inspired poets and playwrights at the same time that he offended guardians of traditional hierarchies. A self-consciously Van...

Conférence : Alexander Marr, « Holbein’s Wit », Londres, Paul Mellon Centre, 16 novembre 2022

16 November 2022, 6:00 – 8:00 pm Book tickets This talk will address the tactical ambiguity of Hans Holbein the Younger (1497/8–1543)’s art as a form of wit. In a number of important pictures, including The Ambassadors, Portrait of Georg Gisze and Lady with a Squirrel and a Starling, Holbein deployed verbal-cum-visual puns to draw attention to his sitters’ and his own ingenuity (ingenium). The productive ambiguity of his pictures will be set within the context...

Séminaire : Michael Cole, Adam Jasienski, « Static Pictures, Living Portraits. Repainting, Conservation, and the Ontology of Images », Rome, Villino Stroganoff, 20 octobre 2022

Event on-site and online via Zoom. DATE: Oct 20, 2022. TIME: 11:00 AM – 01:00 PM (Local Time Germany) Portraiture, Alberti said, promises a permanence across time and space. Early modern artists and audiences had other ideas, though: they frequently interfered with ‘finished’ portraits. Carefully attending to the historical practices behind repainted portraits can help guide approaches to their conservation. The proceedings of a 1651 trail conducted by the Holy Office of the Inquisition regarding the...

Exposition : “La Dama con lo Scoiattolo di Hans Holbein”, Rome, Palazzo Barberini, jusqu’au 31 juillet 2022

Le Gallerie Nazionali di Arte Antica annunciano un importante scambio: partita la Fornarina di Raffaello alla volta della National Gallery di Londra, per la mostra The Credit Suisse Exhibition: Raphael, a cura di Matthias Wivel, in programma dal 12 aprile al 31 luglio 2022, arriva dallo stesso museo la Dama con lo Scoiattolo, capolavoro di Hans Holbein. La dama con lo scoiattolo (Anne Lovell?), databile al 1526-1528, sarà affiancata nella Sala n.16 dedicata i ritratti...

Conférence : Monika Schmitter, « The Art Collector in Early Modern Italy: Andrea Odoni and his Venetian Palace », Londres, The Courtauld Institute, 24 mai 2022, 17h30-18h30

Lorenzo Lotto’s famous portrait of Andrea Odoni in the Royal Collection may be the canonical image of the Renaissance art collector. Monika Schmitter will present her recent book which investigates who Odoni was and how and why he amassed an impressive collection of antiquities, modern sculpture, paintings, and naturalia in his relatively modest Venetian palace. Odoni was a non-noble citizen and son of an immigrant, not a member of the ruling Venetian elite, but he...