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Étiqueté : Raphaël

Exposition : “Expérience Raphaël”, Lille, Palais des Beaux-Arts, jusqu’au 17 février 2025

Le Palais des Beaux-Arts vous emmène dans l’univers de Raphaël (1483-1520), à travers sa collection inestimable de dessins, révélée pour la première fois au public dans son intégralité. La présentation de ces 40 dessins, pour certains recto-verso, est complétée par des prêts prestigieux consentis par le Musée du Louvre, la Royal Collection Trust et la National Gallery de Londres, ou encore le Musée Thyssen-Bornemisza de Madrid. De Pérouse à Rome, en passant par Florence, suivez...

Exposition : « Expérience Raphaël », Lille, Palais des Beaux-Arts, 18 octobre 2024-17 février 2025

Le Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille vous emmène dans l’univers de Raphaël (1483-1520), à travers sa collection inestimable de dessins, révélée pour la première fois au public dans son intégralité. La présentation de ces 40 dessins, pour certains recto-verso, sera complétée par des prêts prestigieux consentis par le Musée du Louvre, la Royal Collection Trust et la National Gallery de Londres, ou encore le Musée Thyssen-Bornemisza de Madrid. De Pérouse à Rome, en passant par...

Exposition : “Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael – Florence, c. 1504”, Londres, Royal Academy of Arts, du 9 novembre 2024 au 16 février 2025

At the turn of the 16th century, three titans of the Italian Renaissance – Michelangelo, Leonardo and Raphael – briefly crossed paths, competing for the attention of the most powerful patrons in Republican Florence. On 25 January 1504, Florence’s most prominent artists met to advise on an appropriate location for Michelangelo’s nearly finished David. Among them was Leonardo da Vinci, who – like Michelangelo – had only recently returned to his native Florence. Starting with Michelangelo’s...

Exposition : « Raffael. Silk and Gold », Vienne, Kunsthistorisches Museum, 26 septembre 2023-14 janvier 2024

In the autumn of 2023, the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna showcases a medium that played a central role in the public celebrations of princely power and magnificence during the Renaissance : monumental tapestries. The most exquisite products fashioned from delicate silks and precious metal threads were produced in Brussels, including the series of tapestries depicting the story of the Apostles, commissioned by Pope Leo X (1475-1521) for the Sistine Chapel in Rome. The cartoons, which led...

Exposition : Perugino a Città della Pieve, Palazzo Della Corgna, jusqu’au 30 septembre 2023

Città della Pieve celebra il suo figlio più illustre a cinquecento anni dalla sua morte: dal 2 luglio al 30 settembre la cittadina umbra ospita la mostra …al battesimo fu chiamato Pietro. Il Perugino a Città della Pieve, a cura di Vittoria Garibaldi, Francesco Federico Mancini, Nicoletta Baldini e con la collaborazione di Antonio Natali. Nell’anno delle celebrazioni del grande maestro umbro, la sua città natia rende omaggio a un protagonista assoluto del Rinascimento italiano. Il percorso di mostra...

Exposition : « La Madonna del Baldacchino di Raffaello in mostra a Pescia », Pescia, Cattedrale di Pescia, 7 mai-30 juillet 2023

La grande pala d’altare realizzata da Raffaello alla fine del suo periodo fiorentino, magnifica ed incompiuta, dalla Galleria Palatina di Palazzo Pitti giunge a Pescia nella chiesa che l’aveva accolta per oltre un secolo e mezzo tra Cinquecento e Seicento. L’opera è in mostra fino al 30 luglio nella Cattedrale della città toscana, posta a confronto con la copia commissionata al pittore fiorentino Pier Dandini alla fine del XVII secolo. L’evento, di portata storica, è...

Conférence : Antonio Sgamellotti, « Raphael in Villa Farnesina. From the colours of prosperity to the Egyptian Blue », Londres, The Courtauld, 15 septembre 2022

Villa Farnesina, the house of Agostino Chigi designed by Baldassarre Peruzzi, and decorated by the masters of Renaissance painting is one of the highest artistic expressions of this period. The fable of Apuleius, frescoed in the Loggia of Cupid and Psyche by Raphael and his workshop, is framed by vegetable festoons: their rich hues associated with fruits from all continents represent the colours of prosperity. The chromatic richness of these fruits, many of them still...

Parution : Barbara Jatta et Nadia Righi (dir.), Raffaello La predella della Pala Oddi, Cinisello Balsamo, Silvana Editoriale, 2022

La raffinata predella della Pala Oddi raffigurante l’Annunciazione, l’Adorazione dei Magi e la Presentazione al tempio, conservata nei Musei Vaticani ma in origine in San Francesco al Prato a Perugia, è uno dei capolavori del giovane Raffaello (Urbino, 1483 – Roma, 1520), grande protagonista del Rinascimento italiano. Eseguita intorno al 1504, è considerata l’opera di Raffaello più vicina a Perugino: indubbio è il carattere intensamente peruginesco delle tre scene, che rivelano la conoscenza della dolcezza e della morbidezza della...

Parution : Francesco Caglioti (ed), “Donatello: The Renaissance”, Venise, Marsilio, 2022

  A beautiful appraisal of the Renaissance sculptor’s achievements, contextualized with works by his contemporaries. The first thorough overview of the artist in many years, Donatello: The Renaissance reconstructs the outstanding career of one of the greatest sculptors in Western art. Famed for his incredibly sensual sculpture of David—the first freestanding nude male sculpture since antiquity—Donatello (c. 1386–1466) also made reliefs, but was best known for statues in the round. Accompanying a truly historic exhibition...

Exposition : « Raphael », Londres, National Gallery, du 9 avril au 31 juillet 2022.

His life was short, his work prolific, and his legacy immortal. A painter, draughtsman, architect, archaeologist, and poet, Raphael captured in his art the human and the divine, love and friendship, learning and power. In his brief career, spanning just two decades, Raphael shaped the course of Western culture like few artists before or since. This exhibition, one of the first ever to explore Raphael’s complete career, looks at his celebrated paintings and drawings as...