Étiqueté : satyre

Exposition : « The Ugly Duchess: Beauty and Satire in the Renaissance », Londres, National Gallery, du 16 mars au 11 juin 2023

This exhibition looks again at one of the best-known faces in the National Gallery: Quinten Massys’s 16th-century depiction of an old woman, a painting known as ‘The Ugly Duchess’. For the first time, this work is displayed with a related drawing after Leonardo da Vinci, showing their shared interest in fantastical, ‘grotesque’ heads and the vibrant artistic exchange between Italy and Northern Europe in the Renaissance. ‘The Ugly Duchess’ is reunited in the exhibition with...

Appel à communication : « Early Modern Satire », Gothenburg, Suède, 2-4 novembre 2017, date limite le 4 janvier

Early Modern Satire Themes, Re-Evaluations, and Practices Early modern satire – broadly, from c. 1500 to c. 1800 – is a vast but still underexamined field of representation. Although flourishing in certain periods and certain places, satire can be said to be integral to the European project, often challenging the limits of tolerance and evoking hostility but also associated, increasingly in this period, with notions of freedom and enlightenment. This conference, hosted by Gothenburg University,...

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