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Étiqueté : textile

Appel à contribution : « Textile Materiality in the Early Modern Period », Louvain-la-Neuve, UCLouvain, 26-27 septembre 2024, date limite le 15 mars 2024

Shimmering or matt, thick or thin, opaque or transparent, stretched or flexible, flat or pleated… They are but some of the many characteristics defining the sensory dimensions of textiles, inherently associated with their materiality. Whether worn by a prince or prelate, wrapped around precious objects, or covering walls and floors, textiles were ubiquitous in the material culture of the early modern period (15th-18th centuries). This omnipresence, from clothing to architectural adornment, has granted textiles a...

Colloque en ligne : “Superficies. Surfaces, Skins and Textures”, University of Zurich, Institute of Art History, 18-20 janvier 2024

SUPERFICIES. Surfaces, Skins and Textures. Sensory Encounters with Books and Related Multi-layered Objects. University of Zurich Textures of Sacred Scripture. Materials and Semantics of Sacred Book Ornament A link for online participation will be published on the website. The research group “Textures of Sacred Scripture. Materials and Semantics of Sacred Book Ornament” and the Chair of Medieval Art History at the University of Zurich are organizing an international conference on “Superficies – Surfaces, Skins,...

Appel à contribution : « Intersections: Entanglements with Medieval and Renaissance Textiles, 1100-1550 », The Courtauld Institute of Art, date limite le 20 mars 2023

The Courtauld Postgraduate Medieval Symposium 2023 – Monday 22nd May 2022, London, UK  During the Middle Ages and Renaissance, textiles wrapped up and coated walls, people, furniture, and objects. They provided omnipresent, and often complex, symbolic and visual demarcations of spaces. Diplicare, the root of display, is in unfolding: so much of the frameworks of how we surround ourselves are rooted in practices using cloth. The value of these textiles, both in their materiality and...

Journée d’étude : « Transmettre par le tissu : matérialité et représentations », Versailles, Université Versailles-Saint-Quentin / Paris-Saclay, 12 mai 2022

Journée d’études doctorales des laboratoires CHCSC et DYPAC: « Transmettre par le tissu : matérialité et représentations », jeudi 12 mai 2022 La journée d’études doctorales des laboratoires CHCSC (Centre d’histoire culturelle des sociétés contemporaines) et Dypac (Dynamiques patrimoniales et culturelles) de l’Université Versailles-Saint-Quentin / Paris-Saclay se déroulera le jeudi 12 mai 2022 au Campus Versailles (Grande Écurie du Château de Versailles). Intitulée « Transmettre par le tissu : matérialité et représentations », elle accueillera de...

Exposition : “Le pareti delle meraviglie. Corami di corte tra i Gonzaga e l’Europa”, Mantoue, Palazzo Te, du 26 mars au 26 juin 2022

    La mostra Le pareti delle meraviglie. Corami di corte tra i Gonzaga e l’Europa, a Palazzo Te a Mantova dal 26 marzo al 26 giugno 2022, indaga e riscopre l’eccezionalità dei preziosi apparati decorativi in cuoio che nel Rinascimento adornavano gli ambienti dei palazzi delle più importanti corti europee, esprimendone il lusso e la grandezza. Curata da Augusto Morari, l’esposizione inaugura la stagione espositiva 2022 di Fondazione Palazzo Te “Mantova: l’Arte di vivere”,...

Appel à contribution : « Finition. Terminer avec soin l’ouvrage textile », Bourgoin-Jallieu, Musée de Bourgoin-Jallieu, 25-26 novembre 2022, date limite le 15 avril 2022

Pour leur édition 2022, les journées d’étude de l’association française pour l’étude du textile (AFET) proposent de s’atteler à la question des finitions. Sera ainsi examiné l’ensemble des étapes qui confèrent à un vêtement, un accessoire, un ornement liturgique ou à une pièce d’ameublement son aspect « fini » : ourlets, boutonnière, pose de « propretés » et enjolivement (application de biais, galons, franges et de tout autre article de passementerie). Les techniques décoratives et d’ennoblissement ne seront quant à...

Colloque : “Materials of Early Modern Fashion”, en ligne, 7-8 octobre 2021

Materials of Early Modern Fashion is a conference exploring the variety of different materials used in the construction of clothes and accessories in the 16th and 17th centuries.   PROGRAMME DAY ONE: Thursday 7 October 2021   10.00 – 11.20: Materials and Global Trade Ana Howie – Global Materials, Global Identities: Cosmopolitan Dressing in van Dyck’s Balbi Children Hugh Chevis – Why Early Modern English Clothiers started using Spanish Merino Wool Saoirse Dervla Laaraichi –...

Appel à contribution : « Fashion and Function. Exploring the Protective Uses of Dress in Times of Crisis », en ligne, 24 septembre 2021, date limite le 10 juillet 2021

Friday, 24 September 2021, Supported by King’s College London, Online 11.00am GMT. Fashion in the early modern period was both creative and innovative, changing as people responded to the world around them. In times of crisis the functionality of dress as a way of providing protection became a practical concern for people, whatever their social status or financial means. From their materiality to their perceived protection, dress was adapted to serve a specific purpose. Whether...

Journées d’étude : « Rituel et image : textiles et révélation du sacré », en ligne, les 6 et 7 mai 2021

Journées d’étude : « Rituel et image : textiles et révélation du sacré »  “Ritual and Image: Textiles and the Revelation of the Sacred” 6 – 7 mai 2021 PROGRAMME 6 MAI 2021 (Galerie Colbert, salle Walter Benjamin) 9h00 / Accueil et présentation des journées – Juliette Brack, Julie Glodt, Nicolas Sarzeaud 9h30 / Conférence inaugurale – Paul Hills (Courtauld Institute of Art) Textiles and Touch: Depicting the Sacred 10h10 / Discussion et pause  ...

Exposition : “Raffaello, Capolavori tessuti”, Bolzano, Centro Trevi, jusqu’au 15 décembre

Il pezzo forte della mostra “RAFFAELLO Capolavori tessuti” è il prezioso arazzo “La pesca miracolosa”, un capolavoro di grandi dimensioni realizzato in filo di seta, eseguito da uno dei cartoni disegnati da Raffaello tra il 1515 e il 1516 per papa Leone X e ora conservati all’Albert and Victoria Museum di Londra. L’opera verrà prestata dalla Galleria Nazionale delle Marche di Urbino che a sua volta dedica al “suo artista” una importante serie di manifestazioni per celebrarne l’anniversario. Oggetto di particolare attenzione nella...