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Étiqueté : Urbino

Conférence : Machtelt Israëls, « The Studioli in Urbino and Gubbio: Setting the Stage for the Illustrious Men, the Montefeltro, and the Liberal Arts », Londres, The Courtauld, 25 novembre 2024

25 Nov 2024 17:30 – 19:00 Free, booking essential Vernon Square Campus, Lecture Theatre 2 The art of the plan underlying the summer and winter apartments in the Palazzo Ducale in Urbino, which Luciano Laurana and Francesco di Giorgio created for Federico da Montefeltro, determined the purpose of the studioli and chapels at their heart. A rediscovered late fifteenth-century inventory sheds light on the function and interaction of the winter apartment’s studiolo with other aspects...

Colloque : « Giusto di Gand Reconsidered », Rome/Urbino/en ligne, 13-16 mai 2024

On the occasion of the 550th anniversary of the Communion of the Apostles (Urbino, Palazzo Ducale), scholars from all over the world will convene in Rome and Urbino to reconsider the oeuvre attributed to its enigmatic Flemish painter, recorded as Giusto di Gand in Urbino and likely synonymous with the Ghent painter Joos van Wassenhove. Over the course of history the number of paintings attributed to this master has grown, to include works such as...