Étiqueté : venice

Exposition : Venice 1500 Jacopo de’ Barbari and the rise of printmaking, Londres, British Museum, jusqu’au 21 mai 2023

Focusing on Jacopo de’ Barbari and his celebrated ‘View of Venice’, this display showcases the innovation and variety of printmaking on the lagoon during the High Renaissance. In 1500, a huge woodcut View of Venice was printed in the city. Undertaken by the mysterious Jacopo de’ Barbari, the project was unprecedented in its ambition. It required extensive research to reproduce the lagoon in painstaking detail, and, at nearly three metres wide, considerable skill to make such a...

Parution : Peter Humfrey, “Vittore Carpaccio Master Storyteller of Renaissance Venice”, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2022

An authoritative and comprehensive celebration of the life and work of one of the most prominent artists of the Venetian Renaissance Meticulously researched and luxuriously illustrated, this volume offers a comprehensive view of Vittore Carpaccio (c. 1460/1466–1525/1526), whose work has been admired for centuries for its fantastical settings enriched with contemporary incident and detail. Capturing the sanctity and splendor of Venice at the turn of the sixteenth century, when the city controlled a vast maritime...

Parution : Giovanni C.F. Villa, “Giorgione”, Silvana Editoriale, Milan, 2022

    The most comprehensive overview in print on the Renaissance master of Venetian sensuality Famous for his enduringly popular and canonical masterpieces such as The Sleeping Venus and The Tempest—often considered the first true landscape painting in Western art—Zorzi da Castelfranco, known as Giorgione (1474 or 1478–1510) was, along with Titian, one of the greatest masters of the Venetian Renaissance. Although his brief career lasted just over 10 years, the handful of surviving paintings...

Exposition : “Titian and the female image: beauty, love, poetry”, Milan, Palazzo Reale, 23 février-5 juin 2022

This exhibition focuses on the women painted by Titian and his contemporaries: their beauty, elegance, sensuality and the particular status that their representation acquired in Venetian society at that time. (Sylvia Ferino) In sixteenth-century Venice, the female image acquired unprecedented importance in the history of painting. To celebrate this theme, Palazzo Reale opens its 2022 programme with the “Tiziano e l’immagine della donna” (Titian’s Vision of Women) exhibition. From February 23rd to June 5th, 2022...

Parution : Sylvia Ferino-Pagden, “Titian’s Vision of Women”, Skira, Lausanne, 2022

How the culture of Renaissance Venice shaped Titian’s timeless paintings of women A new ideal of feminine beauty arose in 16th-century Venice, as women acquired new rights of inheritance and more social power. As a result, through the writings of poets and humanists, the construction of the desired, beloved woman began to acquire civic significance. The crucial impetus for the visual realization of this ideal came from Venice’s greatest artist: Titian. For him, artistic beauty...

Conférence : Giovanni Carlo Federico Villa, “Otto artisti per un rinascimento. Venezia e l’invenzione della modernità”, Turin, Palazzo Madama, 25 février au 16 juin 2022

  Dal 17 marzo 2022, nella Sala Feste, prende avvio un ciclo di conferenze con Giovanni Carlo Federico Villa, direttore di Palazzo Madama. “Venezia è la città più gloriosa che io abbia mai visto, ed è la più saggiamente governata”, scriveva l’ambasciatore Philippe de Commynes nel 1494. E sono i protagonisti veneti della rivoluzione pittorica a indicare il ruolo cardine di Venezia per il rinnovamento della cultura italiana ed europea. Se quando si tratta di Rinascimento lo...

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