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Étiqueté : Venise

Journées d’étude : « Golden Glow: Gold and Silver Altarpieces in Venice and Beyond », Milan, Bocconi University, 23-24 janvier 2025

Between the 12th and the 17th centuries, the churches of Venice gleamed with the brilliance of gold and silver altarpieces and frontals. Radiating from dim interiors, they provided a unique and awe-inspiring backdrop for the celebration of liturgy. Large-scale and materially sumptuous, these altarpieces—possibly inspired by the Pala d’Oro in the Basilica of San Marco—were ingenious and dramatic viewing machines. They could be opened and closed horizontally to reveal different layers of imagery. When closed,...

Parution : Kathryn Taylor, “Ordering Customs Ethnographic Thought in Early Modern Venice”, Harrogate, Combined Academic Publishers, 2023

Ordering Customs explores how Renaissance Venetians sought to make sense of human difference in a period characterized by increasing global contact and a rapid acceleration of the circulation of information. Venice was at the center of both these developments. The book traces the emergence of a distinctive tradition of ethnographic writing that served as the basis for defining religious and cultural difference in new ways. Taylor draws on a trove of unpublished sources—diplomatic correspondence, court records,...

Journée d’étude : « ‘La maraviglia del mondo’. Leandro Bassano (1557-1622) », Venise/en ligne, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, 3-5 juillet 2024

Nella sua “Breve Istruzione” (1674), Marco Boschini ha descritto Leandro Dal Ponte, detto Bassano (1557-1622), come “la maraviglia del mondo”. In Leandro, quarto figlio del ben più famoso Jacopo (c. 1510-1592), troviamo un artista che ha caratterizzato in modo decisivo il passaggio dal Cinquecento al Seicento a Venezia, unico artista delle quattro generazioni di botteghe bassanesi a discostarsi chiaramente dallo stile del padre, malgrado ne abbia ripetuto in certa misura motivi e repertori figurativi. Sviluppò...

Appel à communication : « Venice: Trade, Production, Consumption of Textiles and Dress in the Early Modern », Venise, date limite le 30 septembre 2024

Dressing the Early Modern Network Conference 2025 Wednesday and Thursday 28-29 May 2025  Centro Tedesco di Studi Veneziani, Venice, Italy Venice in the early modern period flourished as a centre of textile production and trade, shaping and fostering global networks of connections that directly impacted dress in Europe and elsewhere. Due to Venice’s impenetrable location, its proximity to the centre of Europe and a long-standing tradition of merchants and seafarers, Venice had positioned itself as...

Conférence : Patricia Rubin, « Titian and the ‘Ethiop’s Ear’ », Florence, I Tatti, 22 février 2024

Thursday, February 22, 2024, 6:00pm to 7:30pm Speaker: Patricia Rubin (Institute of Fine Arts, New York) With a small, but significant or rather signifying detail – pink earrings – Titian colour-coded the Africans in his paintings. This consistent marking out of difference refers, however, to fluid and fluctuating concepts of Africa and that continent’s inhabitants. Occurring in different pictorial genres (portraits, poesie, and religious paintings), Titian’s Africans play different roles and have different subject positions. In...

Conférence : Maria Aresin, Paul Holberton, « Venetian Disegno: New Frontiers », Londres, The Courtauld, 8 février 2024

The relationship between disegno (drawing or design) and Venetian art has historically been a problematic one. Giorgio Vasari’s notion that painters from Venice and the Veneto were mainly focused on colore and not trained in or accustomed to drawing became a commonplace in the literature on Venetian art. The title of this book, Venetian Disegno, would for him imply an unacceptable paradox. This view can no longer be sustained in light of modern scholarship, and it is clear that drawing...

Parution : Jean-François Corpataux, « Inner Affinity. Ovid, Titian, Philip of Spain », Louvain, Peteers, 2023

The title of this little book is inspired by Erwin Panofsky’s remarks on the “inner affinity” between Ovid and Titian. But this inner affinity between the Latin poet and the Venetian painter also extends to Philip of Spain, for whom Titian painted the famous cycle of canvases that he referred to in his letters as the “Poesie”. To explore this kinship of spirit among the poet, the painter, and the king, this study examines the...

Parution, Aresin et Dalla Costa (dir.), “Venetian Disegno : New Frontiers”, Chicago, Chicago University Press, 2023

A volume that offers a fresh perspective on the art of Venice and the Veneto region of Italy by focusing on the artistic idea of disegno. Disegno (Italian for drawing or design) refers to the philosophical relationship between the conceptual role of design and the physical act of drawing. Venetian Disegno explores this theme and its history in the Veneto artistic landscape with contributions on myriad artists and art forms including drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture,...

Appel à contribution : « Arte, cultura e politica in movimento. La Serenissima, l’Abruzzo e le regioni adriatiche del Regno di Napoli (XVI-XVIII secolo) », Teramo, Università degli studi di Teramo, 10-11 avril 2024, date limite le 4 février 2024

La chiamata agli studi in oggetto prende avvio dalle ricerche in corso di due storiche dell’arte e dottorande dell’Università degli Studi di Teramo. Considerati gli ampi vuoti storiografici sull’argomento, le studiose propongono alla comunità scientifica – e particolarmente a giovani ricercatori – due giornate di studio dedicate alla circolazione culturale, artistica e ai rapporti politici ed economici tra la Repubblica di Venezia, l’Abruzzo e le regioni adriatiche del Regno di Napoli (XVI-XVIII secolo), con speciale,...

Journée d’étude : « New Research on Venetian Art », en ligne, 28 octobre 2023

New Research on Venetian Art: A Study Day for Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Students; online conference hosted by the Venetian Art History Research Group, October 28, 2023, 1:30-6:00 pm (UK time / BST). This digital conference brings together an international group of emerging scholars working on topics in Venetian art, with a particular focus on the early modern period. It places special emphasis on the development of novel research; the application of new methodologies; and the...