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Étiqueté : Venise

Parution : Denis Ribouillault, « The Villa Barbaro at Maser. Science, Philosophy, and the Family in Venetian Renaissance Art », Turnhout, Brepols, 2023

Through a careful description of its architecture, paintings and sculptures, this book offers the first comprehensive analysis of the Villa Barbaro at Maser, one of the most famous masterpieces of the Italian Renaissance. Commissioned and designed by Daniele Barbaro, a leading humanist of the Venetian Renaissance, and his brother Marc’Antonio, an important politician of the Republic of Venice and a talented amateur artist, the villa’s architecture and painted decoration were created by two canonical figures...

Conférence : Patricia Rubin, « Titian and the “Ethiop’s ear” », Londres, The Courtauld, 6 octobre 2023

With a small, but significant or rather signifying detail – pink earrings – Titian colour-coded the Africans in his paintings. This consistent marking out of difference refers, however, to fluid and fluctuating concepts of Africa and that continent’s inhabitants. Occurring in different pictorial genres (portraits, poesie, and religious paintings), Titian’s Africans play different roles and have different subject positions. In their variety they register both alterity and the complexity represented by Africa as a legendary...

Appel à contribution : « The Bellini of Renaissance Venice / Renaissance Society of America », Chicago, Palmer House Hilton, 21-23 mars 2024, date limite le 1er août 2023

This session will present the latest research on the Bellini family of artists (Jacopo, Giovanni, Gentile, and Leonardo). Topics may include, but are not limited to: Questions of biography, chronology, attribution, and historiography Their responses to ancient, humanist, and clerical texts Pictorial techniques; workshop practices; recent conservation and new technical studies Responses to the North, the Mediterranean, and the East Artistic receptivity to the artistic, intellectual, and social world of Venice and the terra firma...

Colloque : « Vittore Carpaccio: contesto, iconografia, fortuna », Venise, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, 14-15 juin 2023

L’Istituto di Storia dell’Arte della Fondazione Giorgio Cini si fa promotore di un confronto tra i maggiori specialisti del grande pittore veneziano Vittore Carpaccio (1465-1525 ca.) attraverso le due giornate del convegno internazionale di studi, programmate per il 14 e il 15 giugno 2023, in concomitanza con l’importante mostra sull’artista rinascimentale a Palazzo Ducale a Venezia, organizzata dalla Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia in collaborazione con la National Gallery of Art di Washington e che...

Exposition : Venice 1500 Jacopo de’ Barbari and the rise of printmaking, Londres, British Museum, jusqu’au 21 mai 2023

Focusing on Jacopo de’ Barbari and his celebrated ‘View of Venice’, this display showcases the innovation and variety of printmaking on the lagoon during the High Renaissance. In 1500, a huge woodcut View of Venice was printed in the city. Undertaken by the mysterious Jacopo de’ Barbari, the project was unprecedented in its ambition. It required extensive research to reproduce the lagoon in painstaking detail, and, at nearly three metres wide, considerable skill to make such a...

Exposition : “Giovanni Bellini”, Paris, Musée Jacquemart-André, du 3 mars au 17 juillet 2023

Au printemps 2023, le Musée Jacquemart-André met à l’honneur l’œuvre du grand maître de la peinture Giovanni Bellini (v. 1430-1516), père de l’école vénitienne à laquelle appartiendront ses élèves Giorgione et Titien. Giovanni Bellini a ouvert la voie à un art de la couleur et du ton qui sera la marque du XVIe siècle vénitien.   À travers une cinquantaine d’œuvres issues de collections publiques et privées européennes, cette exposition retrace le parcours de Giovanni...

Conférence : « Genoa, Venice, and their colonies compared », Cracovie, The Bishop Erazm Ciołek Palace, National Museum Kraków/Lanckoroński Room, Collegium Iuridicum, Department of the History of Art of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, 1-2 avril 2023

Genoa, Venice, and their colonies compared, 13th to 16th century. People, Power, and Art. Comparisons between Genoa and Venice has been drawn, if at all, primarily from the perspective of the discipline of history. Both similarities and differences have been noted, but it has also been questioned whether a comparative approach is useful at all, positing the two sea powers as „incomparable”. However, the way in which Genoa and Venice established a system of colonies...

Appel à candidature : « Les fêtes à Venise », XXVIe Séminaire d’histoire de l’art vénitien, Venise, date limite le 2 avril 2023

XXVIE SEMINAIRE D’HISTOIRE DE L’ART VENITIEN école du louvre/ istituto venetodi scienze, lettere ed arti Venise, du 22 juin au 28 juin 2023 Comme la guerre et les épidémies, la fête revient. Production collective organisée, anticipée ou plus spontanée, elle est à la fois irruption d’un temps exceptionnel et événement cyclique marqué par le rite. Dans la Sérénissime, elle se signale par sa variété, son exceptionnelle vitalité quand sa longévité n’a pas débouché sur une...

Colloque : « Inventing Past Narratives. Venice and the Adriatic Space (13th-15th centuries) », Brno, Centre for Early Medieval Studies, Hans Belting Library, 12-13 décembre 2022

This conference aims to explore the dialogue between Venice and the Adriatic area from a specific perspective: the construction of the past. We would like to create a dialogue between specialists from various disciplines and also examine the validity of interdisciplinary approaches at the intersection of different cultural fields: textual and visual, material, and historiographic. The chronological and geographical perspective chosen covers the late Middle Ages and the early modern age and focuses on the...

Exposition : « Vittore Carpaccio. Master Storyteller of Renaissance Venice », Washington, National Gallery of Art, 20 novembre 2022-12 février 2023

A leading figure in the art of Renaissance Venice, Vittore Carpaccio (c. 1460/1466–1525/1526) is best known for his large, spectacular narrative paintings that brought sacred history to life. Although for centuries he has been loved and celebrated in his native city for his observant eye, fertile imagination, and storytelling prowess, this exhibition marks the first retrospective of the artist ever held outside Italy. In a focused selection of some 45 paintings and 30 drawings, large-scale canvases painted...