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Étiqueté : Vierge Marie

Journée d’étude : « Hausmadonnen. Interdisziplinär », Nuremberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, 7 février 2025

Skulpturale Hausmadonnen aus verschiedensten Materialien, auf individuelle Weise an Hausfassaden montiert, prägen bis heute das Erscheinungsbild des öffentlichen Raums vor allem in Süddeutschland. Dennoch haben ganz grundlegende Fragen an diese facettenreiche Objektgruppe in der Forschung bis heute keine oder nur sehr vereinzelt Beachtung gefunden: Wo liegen die Ursprünge der Tradition? Wen schütz(t)en die Madonnen, wer gab sie in Auftrag, wie lös(t)en Künstler:innen zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten die ihnen gestellte Aufgabe? Welche Objektgeschichten lassen sich rekonstruieren? Welche...

Colloque : « Medieval Statues of the Virgin in Performative Contexts », Bamberg, Universität Bamberg, 7 juin 2024

Medieval sculptures of the Virgin do not exist in isolation, but in perfomative contexts. These settings are situations of co-presence and provide multiple opportunities for contacts. They include the multisensory church space as well as the procession or the museum display – in both permanent and temporary exhibitions. Based on concrete case studies, the international workshop will provide a platform for exploring medieval statues of the Madonna in medieval and post-medieval settings, where artefacts and...

Appel à contribution : « Marian Devotion and the Senses in the Middle Ages », Turnhout, Brepols, date limite le 20 décembre 2023

The volume (publication with Brepols Publishers) seeks to explore the sensory approaches of the Marian cult as reflected in Eastern and Western Christianity. It aims to examine the private and collective expressions of Marian devotion in relation to the senses or intersections of senses (visual, auditory, tactile, gustatory, and olfactory) that generate forms of spiritual entanglements and mutual dependencies between human devotional practices, artefacts, and sites. Suggested topics, on any geographic area or time period...

Appel à contribution : « Virgin Mary’s relics – Prestige, Rivalry, Forgery and Reproducibility », en ligne, 9-11 mai 2024, date limite le 15 septembre 2023

Special session at the 59th International Congress on Medieval Studies (hybrid event): Virgin Mary’s relics – Prestige, Rivalry, Forgery and Reproducibility. This special online session wishes to analyze the power of the Virgin Mary’s relics as triggers not only to processions and pilgrimages but also to Marian cults competition. The scientific importance of the session lies in understanding how these devotional objects could be perceived as activators of civic prestige. The possession of these relics...

Conférence : Aaron M. Hyman, « “Así repiten aún las piedras”. Juan de Roelas, Seville of 1615, and the City as Substrate », Londres, The Courtauld, 25 mai 2023

Thursday 25th May 2023, 6pm – 7.30pm BST. Lecture Theatre 1 Vernon Square. Free, booking essential. This is an in person event at our Vernon Square campus. Booking will close 30 minutes before the event begins. In 1615, Seville erupted with fervent debates about the question of the Virgin’s Immaculacy. Clergymen hoping to sway the hearts and minds of both everyday supplicants and the religious powers that be took to the streets. The main mode by...

Appel à contribution : « Rethinking Mary in Early Modern Europe. Women’s Voices and the Virgin Mary », Rome, Norwegian Institute, 22-23 juin 2023, date limite le 15 février 2023

The Virgin Mary is a crucial figure for Western culture and Christian worship, and has always been strictly connected to women and their status in society. A large amount of literature in Latin and the vernacular was written about Mary in early modern Italy and Europe, by both lay and religious men and women, representing her in different ways and with different purposes, transforming and adapting her traditional image. This symposium, with an interdisciplinary approach,...

Exposition : « Visualizing the Virgin Mary », Los Angeles, The Getty Center, 11 octobre 2022-8 janvier 2023

Although the Virgin Mary is one of the most important figures in the Christian tradition, she is little mentioned in the Bible. Drawn from the Getty Museum’s collection of medieval manuscripts, as well as a few choice regional loans, this exhibition shows how fewer than a dozen references to Mary grew into myriad stories and images that celebrate her as a personal intercessor, a compassionate mother, and a heavenly queen. Source

Appel à contribution : « Marian Devotion and the Senses in the Middle Ages », Leeds, University of Leeds, 3-6 juillet 2023, date limite le 12 septembre 2022

This session seeks to explore the sensory approach of the Marian cult as reflected in Eastern and Western Christianity. It aims to examine the private/collective expressions of Marian devotion in relation to the senses (touch, smell, sight, taste, and hearing) that generate forms of spiritual entanglements and mutual dependencies between human devotional practices, artefacts, and sites. Suggested topics, on any geographic area or time period (between 300-1500) may include, but are not limited to: Pilgrimages...

Journée d’étude : « Meta, Matrix, Mater. Les métaphores de la matrice à la Renaissance », Paris, INHA, 13 juin 2022

Click on the Zoom logo to join the online session Meeting ID: 9938 7127 9215 Password: 056130   Meta, Matrix, Mater.Les métaphores de la matrice à la Renaissance 13 juin 2022Paris, Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art, salle Giorgio Vasari   Les études et les manifestations scientifiques s’intéressant au sexe féminin à la Renaissance se sont multipliées ces dernières années avec l’essor d’une histoire de l’art féministe attentive à la question du genre. Beaucoup d’entre elles...

Parution : Andrea-Bianka Znorovszky, Gerhard Jaritz (dir.), « Marian Devotion in the Late Middle Ages. Image and Performance », Londres, Routledge, 2022

By the late Middle Ages, manifestations of Marian devotion had become multifaceted and covered all aspects of religious, private and personal life. Mary becomes a universal presence that accompanies the faithful on pilgrimage, in dreams, as holy visions, and as pictorial representations in church space and domestic interiors. The first part of the volume traces the development of Marian iconography in sculpture, panel paintings, and objects, such as seals, with particular emphasis on Italy, Slovenia...